Is your corpse in my chemosh? Do you want it to be?

I’m buying corpses, all corpses. Why? Chemosh corpse bay.

I want your frozen hunk of meaty flesh in my corpse bay, along with 499 other capsuleers.

5 million isk per corpse, contracts to GoldSnake, Jita 4-4 only unless it’s a rare one.
(Have a rare corpse? contact me with what you have and offer. Looking for leaders, movers and shakers, and at least 3 grath corpses.)

Want a Tempelman N corpse? I’m drowning in them.

I’ll take one, but standard price. He aint the most relevant since…2012?

He ragequit a dozen times over the years and is a regular in Scam Citizen these days…

I can offer you a carefully selected package of 500 unique corpses at a discount if you’re interested.

What is this? Is this the necropolis meeting place for the necrophilia fetichism nyctophilia, whom dwells in the darker places of wormhole space and suffer from insomnia?

How did I end up here?

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You still buying corpses ?

I have 1 corps body. WTS 5mill/convo/mail