Isk sinks

Where do i mention giving free money?

Right here.

I don’t see “free money” anywhere, isk faucets are just opportunities to make money. Otherwise, wouldn’t krabbing be considered “free money”

Edit: Also, good catch i was supposed to write sinks considering this post is about isk sinks. Thanks anyways!

Okay, sure. Here’s some data if you want to actually have your statements be grounded in fact.

Why are you looking at august of last year? The latest MER is the march report that i linked, you can’t just pull old data and try to trick me

Because to understand why the market is where it is now you have to know how it has changed from where it was.

Since you seem to be unable to grasp this concept, i’ll be explicit.

here is a graph, with the CPI. If you don’t know what the CPI is, google it yourself.
Since the CPI has a general trend downwards, that means prices are also going down.

Here’s a wonderful graph showing how much is being mined. As you can see, it’s trending up

And finally, here’s a graph showing the money supply

So we know money is increasing, AND minerals are increasing.
We also know that prices are falling
So that leaves us with either minerals are increasing faster, or money is increasing faster
If money is increasing faster, then the value of money goes down. That means prices must increase. Since we don’t see this, it must be minerals that are increasing faster.
If minerals are increasing faster, then the value of money goes up (you can buy more minerals with the same money). If the value of money goes up, you need less of that same money to buy the same amount of minerals
if you need less money to buy the minerals to build a titan, then you need less money to buy that titan.


Since you seem unable to grasp this concept, I’ll be explicit. If everyone already has 3 titans, 30 titans are still being built a day and no one is losing any of them, what happens to the price of those titans?


The reason prices are going down is the massive amounts of mining in Delve. If you want prices to go back up, make an alliance and start a war against the entire region. Good luck winning.


Honestly though. If you want ships to stop getting cheaper, go after the source of the seemingly never-ending supply. once the supply of minerals dies, the massive amounts of isk in EVE’s economy will give it a nice heafty price tag

i dont understand, nips; you only fly poorly fitted atrons…?

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this feels… not right.


well, i reworded it since it may be possible that some people have gotten confused

What’s wrong with that? I’m risking almost nothing to make a billion a week

While this is true and i mention this in my post, it’s also kinda hard to beat goons at this point. Also, there’s no reason to ruin the livelihoods of other people by destroying their income, so instead why not increase the income for everyone and reduce the amount of isk going out? Nobody loses

While your idea is valid, unfortunately you don’t have the data to support it. I don’t have 3 titans, and neither do you. If we could just make up data, then my data shows that we’re losing titans faster than they’re being produced

and yet for some reason want others to spend more?

but you were wanting faucets?? isk sinks??

i do not think that means what you think it means…

Minerals added to the game are not related to ISK and do not need an ISK sink, but a mineral sink.
Sure, through insurance any minerals leaving the game in the form of pretty explosions will be turned into ISK, but that conversion rate has been nerfed recently.

OPs concepts here are pretty much exactly the reverse of what is needed.

The OP’s idea seems to be ‘use ISK inflation to make ISK worthless, then people will be willing to pay more worthless ISK for the excess minerals in the game’. Getting more of a currency that is worth less defeats the point.

There is far too much ISK in the game, and far too much ISK being farmed daily. EVE badly needs to limit the flow of ISK into the game, and increase the flow out. Trading fees should be doubled, or more, not halved. Additional items/consumables should be introduced to LP stores that require ISK to purchase. ISK from bounties and mission farming needs to be cut back. There should be a major ISK cost attached to anchoring a citadel, etc. etc.

As for minerals, it’s a similar situation. Mining/extraction has been made far too safe, far too easy, far too bottable. Minerals are flowing into the game at a ridiculous rate, just like ISK. Mineral extraction needs to be cut back, made more risky. The way to remove excess minerals in the game is to decrease the inflow, and increase the rate of destruction, not increase ISK.

CCP has been catering to the whales and the nullsec crowd for too long, and the result is massive trillions of ISK and minerals pouring into the game on a daily basis. People don’t fight when everyone has more of everything than they need, and everyone’s just looking for a safe way to get their excess products to market.

People fight over scarcity. They fight when they’re hungry. They fight when them has something that us need!

CCP needs to get the idea of scarcity and competition for resources back in the game, and away from the ISK/mineral piñata bashing that it has become.