JabberWock Mining and Industry is recruiting!

Sounds like a blast! Im currently based in Dodoxie, so the move would be short :slight_smile:

Heavy Indy focus pilot here, returning after a long hiatus to see if Im still interested.

Perfect Orca boosts, maurader pilot. Perfect refining, can manufacture just about anything givin facilities with my own BPOs.

Ill be online today shortly if you wanted to chat.

Thanks for consideration!

Hey Alexandria!

I’ll be sending you an Eve Mail shortly!

I’m at work currently but, I have no issue responding to Eve Mails via the Eve Portal app. Looking forward to speaking with you.


We’re still recruiting!

Still recruiting!

I’m returning after a 5+ year break and looking for a small casual industry corp with a low sec presence. I have a freighter and Orca and have previously been doing large scale T2 production.

Are your primary time zones in the US?

Hi Sianera!

Yes our primary player base is in US time zones with some in the UK time zones.

I wouldn’t say we have a low sec presence like structures or organized ops at the moment but, we do have low sec systems next door to us that some of us travel in. We do however have blues in a local PVP focused corp if you’re interested in sometimes joining their ops if that was your aim for low sec.

If your aim was to manufacture in low sec I’m sorry we don’t have anything like that at the moment.

We are a casual group of players though. No commitments or mandatory ops.

We’re still recruiting!

Still recruiting!!

Still recruiting!

Still recruiting!

Still recruiting!

Hi, I’m back after many years, looking for some nostalgia, right now just mining in high sec 0.7 solo with a procurer. No real goals, just something to relax while I work, probably work my way to a Skiff, I can’t use my mic because my wife doesn’t let me play games xD. But I can listen, if that’s fine shoot me a mail.

Hey Admol!

Yeah that’s fine! We mostly just hang out and do our own things anyways.

Still recruiting!!

By now I hope you know what we’re still doing lol

We’re still recruiting!

Still recruiting!

Still looking for new recruits!

Still recruiting!!

Do you have people hauling for you within your group or do you just do mining?