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fun chicken fact : Chickens begin communicating before they are hatched, when the mother hen makes a purring noise towards her eggs and the chicks peep back at her from inside the unhatched eggs.

fun chicken fact: Domesticated chickens generally do not fly , though they may travel a short distance by air if they perceive danger, or to get over a fence or into a bush.

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Fun chicken facts: The color of a hen’s egg is determined by the breed of chicken—and the color of their ears!

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fun chicken fact: The chicken was the first bird to have its dna sequenced in 2004.

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Fun chicken fact

There are more chickens in the world than any other bird or domesticated fowl.

Bok bok

Oh even us in GOTG meme about that one. Really fun bait fleet my corp tried and coalition let us down :confused: was fun tho o7

Fun Fact - They even accepted an Aussie! I think they were sorry they ever did tho :sunglasses:

We had tons of fun! Thanks for having us!

We’ll alarm clock for you <3

We showed up to the first fight :stuck_out_tongue:

bump bump

bok bump



Hi there!
Sub Inc. Is a corp that is interested in Joint-ops with other groups. We would love to join you on one of your roams. Also, if you guys would like to join us for the ratting fleets in Jspace, feel free to reach out anytime.

Sub Inc. Undocking is our Specialty.

Sure, come say hi in our discord and we can talk

Bok bok

Come kill rorquals with us!