We are a NullSec based Corporation - In the We Form Blob alliance and B3 Coalition
Accepting Miners, Builders, Crabbers, Explorers and PvP’ers <
We are a 24/7 corporation! Primarily English but we have members who also speak Spanish, German, Polish and more!
Hundreds of Active Members within the B3 Coalition to fly with!
Membership Benefits:
-Many people will tell you this but we actually understand that Real Life happens
-Public Moon and other Mining, Public space, no being run off out of a renter system
-Regular large fleet, capital and supercapital fleets
-Small gang, blops, recon, whaling
-Great Ratting/Crabbing and Mining space
-Ship Replacement for doctrine fits on fleet ops
-An exceptional leadership core with decades of combined experience in Eve
-A friendly, helpful, fun and relaxed environment
-Corp mining ops with boosts. other ops and events
-A Robust and ever growing Blueprint collection to access
-Multi-tiered building programs- T1, Invention, Reactions, T2 and Capital production
-Excellent Jump Freighter services
-Dividends paid periodically for corp participation
SAMPLE CONTENT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7cVLEteDPM
Age 18+ / Omega Main / 5million + Skill Points / Voice Comms (Mumble/Discord) / Register with Coalition / 3 Coalition FATs per month
We are newbro friendly and can help with everything from builds, guides, hints, tactics and hands on training.
Join Dangerous.Pub channel in-game or our Discord at Dangerous Enterprises for a chat and more info.