Hello everyone,
JDRC is a laid back PVP corp based in Delve. Our Coalition provides round-the-clock opportunities for subcapital and capital PVP. Our main corp activity is in AU and EU timezones.
- A very active PVP Scene
- Assisted access to Caps / Supers / Titans
- A very laid back corp atmosphere. We don’t take ■■■■ too seriously
- Corp & Alliance Ship Replacement - double SRP payments so you make money
- PVE opportunities to fund your PVP habit with Ratting SRP for select hull types (Cap & Subcap)
- Provide Full ESI Masks for all accounts
- Be active socially on our services (Discord/Jabber/TS3)
- Participate in 5x Strategic pvp ops every month
- minimum skillpoints requirements : 4 000 000
If you are interested in joining or just wanna have a chat:
- join discord ( https://discord.gg/Da5924J )
- Or join the ingame channel : JDRC.Pub
Greetings : MrNoodless