July Release - Strategic Cruisers

@CCP_Fozzie don’t care about explo man… the fact they know and have always known that the choice is tank or analyzer bonus but not both speaks volumes towards the intent of the nerf. The fact that any and all posts calling this out have been completely ignored is another huge tell.

Oh and don’t forget the ’ Tractor bonus can go as with it a T3C is way to hard to catch in WH space

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There’s more to PVE than combat sites…

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Very unhappy with the changes =/ Feels the smaller communities and the solo player have been completely ignored for people who want null sec to be safer. Hunter t3c are in effect worthless. I’m not sure why they got no attention in this patch. They need a little tank and nully to get around but zero and I mean zero dps.I wish CCP would give us more viable options for hunting as for a covert cyno one must have a covert cloak so that only leaves us a few ships to you and when they nerf one of those ships it hits the community very hard… CCP can you please look at this closer and the next panel get more than just people living in NS and big alliance’s views. I feel the NPSI community had ZERO input into any of this and our voices have gone unheard because of that.


Not only you. Still thinking they did it for a pve player’s nerf.

You’ve got people saying these things are useless for wormholes.

You’ve got people saying these things make the SOE ships useless in WHs, by comparison.

You’ve got people saying the new ships are horrible and they’ll never use them again.

You’ve got people planning to use them in ways they haven’t been before.

Sounds about like you got it more or less right, to me.


Yeh I’m with you on that. There’s definitely a few things they won’t do like before, and some new things that look insanely powerful. But until they’ve been on TQ for a bit I don’t think any changes should be rushed through without seeing where they are.
I just hope CCP keep on top of them and tweak things to keep them in the right place.


@CCP_Fozzie Just to let you guys know the actual graphic for the ships in terms of the ship tree graphics still show the t3 cruisers having 5 sub systems with old skill points allocated. Just wanted to give you a bump on this if you haven’t noticed it already. Looking forward to see how everything works out though should be very interesting to see. Good job :slight_smile:

Why did this only take months, but the T3D (a much more simple ship) a year of conversation with the focus group? I know there was a few months hiatus, but still.
I would really like to know your opinion: don’t you think that this rebalance was rushed?

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I think going from 5 subsystems down to 4 will turn out to be one of the worst balancing changes ever made. It removes so much versatility in fitting and roles!

It looks to me like the only role the T3 is good for is that of a cloaky gank ship. All other other roles/combinations are not worth the risk if you lose the ship.

I hope that the new balancing team take a second look at the changes to see what can be buffed without encroaching on the roles of other ships too much.


Are you sure? For me its showing the 4 subsystem skills (Core, Defensive, Offensive, Propulsion) and the Ship Skill.

If you see something else please submit a bug report and I’ll take a look.

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Oh come on chaps,

The key reason for this change was skins. Since the dawn of CCP’s plans for ship skins we have known that due to the modular design of the T3 cruisers, the art team have been unable to get skins to work.

Loosing some modules dramatically effects the variations available and by reducing these the efforts required to produce skins has been just as dramatically reduced.

You can argue or discuss stats, details, effects, or who will wear what trousers until you are blue in the face, you may even be correct, but it wont change a thing.

Recently a beautifully updated ship model for the Vexor and variations was released, a line of ships known for having 4 highs, came out the art pipe with no less than a spectacular 6 visible hard points.

We will soon be getting a dedicated ship sabotage and module inflation team, so just roll with it, and get on the groove train.

Notice how that minority but loud "anti nullification I need targets handed to me or I cry" lobby group have attempted to high jack the conversation by providing nothing useful. What a surprise.

Moan, moan, moan…

…I bet you still buy the skins.

@CCP_Lebowski Here is a picture to prove it to ya :wink: http://imgur.com/a/cec5v

Please don’t judge my trashy skills XD

So… matches exactly what I said then, 4 sub skills and 1 ship skill = 5 skills total :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok please ignore me. I’m being retarded. It’s been a long day… <3 @CCP_Lebowski

All good mate :smiley:


This… is less than good.

FC, how do I go back to care bearing instead of HK training?

CCP, we want our SP back, we have paid for something, train for a kind of ship, you changed it. We have the right to have a refund

Why propulsion subsystem don’t have the same bonuses on all 4 races?

my pve proteus is outperformed by a deimos