KAIN INDUSTRIES: High Sec Mining / Hauling / FW PvP

Hey there Pilot,

We at Kian Industries are excited that you have decided to visit our little family. We look forward to getting to know you, as you explore the wonderful world that is New Eden.

We are based in High Security about 9 jumps from Jita, which is our main Area of Operations. While our Alliance has Low Sec areas, We primarily stay in High Sec to mine ore for the Alliance war mechine!

Skill Level:

All Pilots are welcome here regardless of if you have been playing for years, days, or hours.

Here are some things you’ll need to know about our Corp.

1. We are a small crew right now, but we are looking to grow! So you could have plenty of room for growth!

2. Our main focus is Mining & we are the Logistical arm for our Alliance. We try and do daily Mining Ops.

3. Corp Ops are not required but they are fun!

4. We won’t limit what you want to do. If you want to explore, go for it. If you want to run missions, do it. We want you to have fun!

5. Be respectful of other players.

6. For those more inclined to PvP, we do partcipate in FW with the SoS Alliance, (Syndicate of Silence). While not a requirement, it can be great fun!

7. Bottom line is have fun, this is a game.

Feel free to reach out to me here or in-game!

Kain Industries Discord

Abraxas Kain
CEO and Founder: Kain Industries

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Kain is a good guy, come fill up his corp.

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Daily Bump, Always recruiting new pilots.

Still seeking active players!

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Hey @Abraxas_Kain - could you PM me on Discord? MrJ4zzy

I sent a Friend request on Discord, will also try in game.

@Abraxas_Kain feel free to send me a discord request as well. CrimDeathScythe

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DM sent @Lillith_Damonicus

Daily Bump - Always looking for active miners!

Still seeking all Rock Poppers, come join the fun!

Have you ever wondered what an Astroid looks like the moment before it explodes? Come Join us and we can show you!

Can you reach out to me on discord? baj69.

I sent you a discord message.

Daily Bump!

Still seeking space truckers, Miners and more.

Please add my discord Jerichothemedic

Discord invite sent

Still seeking Space truckers, and Rock poppers!

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ive tried once and didnt get far and now im back to try again… i really want to learn the game

looking for a eu/uk corp. mature style with some wit


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Sent you a message in game, but you can hit me up on Discord: shockti

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