KarmaFleet - Come be a part of something big! [NEW PLAYERS] (EU/US/AU)

Few aftershocks yesterday.

Aftershocks still going.

Days without earthquake: 1

Enough about earthquakes.

Not sure what to post about of not earthquakes. Hmm… Just post!

Lazy bump.

I desire a fattening breakfast.

Milfeue (sp?) was breakfast.

Fruit for breakfast today. Not nearly as fun…

Lazy bump day…

Blind bump.

Not long until this is the only forum I have to bump daily…

Old forum still there before DT…

And that’s it! So long old forums!

I ganked Golems today.

I’m convinced

I’m convinced


My application is excellent too. Check it out.

We will be the judge of that :stuck_out_tongue:

Shittani is :face_vomiting: