Kshal, allow me the privilege to edit your remark; I think the release of Equinox slurs, mumbles, and murmurs, for itself…
I mean you must agree that the noise is somewhat dulled when you’re disincentivised to log in.
On a personal note, if you don’t mind me sharing my opinion with you as a reply to your reply to my made-up questions, I think that CCP must; -first and foremost- get it’s ducks in a row,. They must improve their internal communication processes, I mean to infer that there most certainly is a disconnect between the objectives and intended outcomes between departments. I point to the marketing department, vs the community team, vs the development teams, as a really superficial example of how these different organisations within CCP itself do not appear to be in-line with each others designated objectives.
Outside of that they need to be honest (WITH THEMSELVES) if not with us about what matters and that inludes a sober understanding of what is necessary financially to keep the company and therewith, the game, afloat and then they must reconcile those necessities with what the game MUST provide if it is to grow and prosper as an attractive option with-in the gaming community at large.
Then they must decide on how they want to frame the resulting vision to the player base. If they fail to be completely transparent in the third task but succeed at the first two, then there’s hope. I mean, and this might not be a popular outlook, but I’d rather be misrepresented to but confident that CCP are on top of their game internally, then say have each department confidently share with me a different truth .
It’s that bad.
I got to the point after participating in the ship skin fiasco whereby I just checked out.
The vision of building community through identity that was shared with us at last years fanfest was inspired. The ship skinning feature that was delivered demonstrated that all the artistic choices were overwhelmingly determined by fear of financial loss. The odd thing being that if they had leaned into the envisioned premise of the friendship machine and the building of identity and community that they had shared initially, that got the buy-in of the player base, it’s possible they would have doubled up on the good capital they built with Uprisings release. Instead they squandered the faith that they had earned from the player base and delivered some obtuse and deliberately convoluted system. It boggles my mind how much purposeful effort has been put into making the Ship Skin Skills as obscure as possible. If a tenth of that time had been put into delivering what they promised perhaps CCPs’ Studio wouldn’t be in danger of a terminal decline.
You have campaigned on toxicity within EVE, well I would make the argument that CCPs’ treatment of its player base and the way in which it gas lights its subscribers is toxic.
Your reply really got me talking, I hope that you don’t mind. It just really pissed me off how far from the objective that they set for themselves, an objective that nobody forced them to set, they fell. This situation goes beyond ‘well ideas can change in development’ ideas can change, the practical limitations of development and execution can alter the substance of an intended outcome. Having said that, what they showcased and what they delivered were entirely juxtaposed in their purpose. They showcased a tool that would empower players to fly their colours. They delivered a tool that was designed specifically as PLEX sink and about which not a single feature enabled or allowed a group of players to share and wear their teams jerseys’ into battle.
I suspect that the development team are getting high on their own supply. Yes EVE is a dystopian Universe and gas-lighting the player base, obscuring information, and generally behaving in a dastardly manner are all part of that. But should the developers be screwing their players investment into the game at the development level?
I think EVE plays best when the Developers play the good guys and the player base devolves into blood-thirsty animals hell bent on destroying each other. Time spent fighting the developers is exhausting and wasted. The EVE dream has in a sense polarised on itself, the player base are the games biggest advocates, the player base are being forced to be ‘the adults’ or risk losing the game entirely. So large a part of the EVE population when asked individually, reasonably so, advocate for representation in all of EVE’s areas of play and acknowledge the necessity for vibrant and dynamic cultures outside of their own community, sectors, and play styles. While we may disagree on the impact and balance of power projection, bubbles in Zarzack, time zone tanking and multi-boxing, we all agree that getting screwed by CCP and losing players is never good.
The vibe in the lead up to Equinox was perfect, I think that’s why the players were so awake with anticipation and expectation. Building upon the success of Uprising and the potential of Havoc, Equinox promised to bring opportunity and new beginnings to Null sec with its sleek designs and morally ambiguous population manipulation. The setting was ripe for a terrible outcome perpetrated by the players. Blessed with all these new resources and coupled with the “seemingly” dynamic potential of the newly developed ‘system-based’ values -it was possible- that Hilmars’ vision for a dynamic underlying tapestry was about to be realised. But alas that did not happen, the new system is just a reshuffling of of the old system and is as static as ever. The resources don’t change, once the new topography is established it will be fortified and no naturally occurring, environmental pressure will evolve to destabilise it. It will, as was the case previously, be entirely reliant on the player grudges and personality differences to instigate warfare in Null-sec again and the blue doughnut will once more reign supreme. .
I believe that one of the reasons that Wormholers have more fun is because their environment naturally changes. Wormholes open and close and you never know what’s coming next. I had hoped beyond hope that the resource base in Null sec was destined for a similar treatment. Wherein which the populations on different planets would gradually wax and wane over the seasons requiring a redistribution of workforce and resources that would force alliances into uncomfortable self-serving decisions that would inevitably lead to warfare and conflict with their neighbours. Sorry, we’re bigger, I know we’re friends, but we need more or our industry will die is the perfect reason to go to war against your allies. I hoped players in Null-sec, flush with their beautiful new structures would bathe them in the blood and flames of their friends rather than on the forums complaining to CCP that nothing has really changed.