Welcome to Legit Salesgirl Market selling and buying all kind of stuff msg me with Offers!
- 2 x Prometheus Fortizars for sale 18.5b each Jita 4-4
Around Lowsec for Sale:
2 x Vehement
1 x Ragnarok
2 x Nyx
Welcome to Legit Salesgirl Market selling and buying all kind of stuff msg me with Offers!
Around Lowsec for Sale:
2 x Vehement
1 x Ragnarok
2 x Nyx
confirming she is legit salesgirl…
Sounds naughty
Still Available
Make Bhaalgorn great again!
still available
9 left
Still available
Still Available
still available
Still available price lowerd
525m lowest in contracts now
New Items Added
I’ll swap your fort for a loggo bpc
Still Available
Still Available
Abyssal Shield Booster Added
Loggerhead now for sale
give me ur loggerhead on sisi so i can warlord plz
how about you buy it now on tq and then copypaste it on sisi