Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Suggestion: Ability to group / add personal tags on fleet watchlist
Keywords: ui, fleet
Note: for logi pilots

The fleet watchlist (which is most heavily used by Logistics pilots) could really benefit from some kind of a grouping/tagging scheme. There are lots of ways to do this, among them:

  • having “create group”/“move to group” options like in the drone window (which is already very similar to the watchlist window)
  • adding a separate column of arbitrary tag data
  • even colors would be cool

The first is probably easiest to do here, however there is a small issue for people who don’t have large screens since the group title would waste another row of watchlist (yes, there’s already a lot of screen clutter while in a fleet, especially as a logi, so the extra rows matter.)

UPDATE: colors announced to be in upcoming SiSi patch!