Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Suggestion 1: ‘Character sheet -> SKINs’ should list skins not ships under categories, so you could right click and buy, fore example, or at least view skin’s info tab, not ship’s.

Suggestion 2: Add a button to ‘Character sheet -> SKINs’ to toggle between skin collections/market ship tree view. For collection to match market hierarchical view, so it is easier to buy what you’re missing.

Suggestion 3: Little green checks when a category is complete. In both skin set view and ship type (market) view.

Suggestion 4: Multiple skins activation. Shift-select -> Activate. Cant do that now.

Suggestion 5: Skin Info Tab should show whether I have the skin in my collection.

Keywords: UI, SKINs
Note: Buying multiple SKINs is a real pain. Skins tab opens ships info, not skins info. Categories in Skins tab and in market don’t match. You can’t activate multiple skins now, need to add them one by one, Right-click - > Activate -> OK on each one. If you buy 50 skins (which is a pain in off itself) then 150 more clicks to add them.

SKINs, microtransactions are supposed to be somewhat important for an f2p game, yet collection is just a list. Buying, adding is a pain.