Little things / Small QoL suggestions

suggestion: adjust coloring and size of data on the New Map
keywords: UI, New Map
Note: data content is shown more efficiently on the old map. 2 examples, taken at the same moment, new map first, old map second;

  1. ships destroyed last 24 hrs (size of highlight comparison)

  2. jumps in the last hour


Suggestion: When a name is dragged to the contract window you don’t have to find it from a list.

I literally just dragged the exact character link to the window, why are you asking me stupid questions about who the contract is for?

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Suggestion: Different wormhole info text when it has 15 minutes of life left
Keywords: wormhole, show info
Note: Useful when waiting for an old static wormhole to die

Currently the “reaching the end of life” means anything between a minute and 4 hours.
It can be really annoying and time wasting when trying to be safe about it and wait it out to rule out getting trapped somewhere.

Suggestion: Killmarks in killmails

Keywords: UI, API, Killmarks, killmails
Note: having a small icon on the ship image, the same as the marks on the ship, visible for everybody that opens the kill mail
It would open up a new way for bragging rights. And thus more content.
Would need to figure out what to do with high number of killmarks.


Suggestion: Filter for assembled/unassembled ships in the Ship Hangar
Keyword: ui, inventory, hangars
Note: Usefull while repackaging ships because you have to move and a lot of ships in the hangar

Would be nice to have filter in the ship hangar to filter for assembled and unassembled ships in the Ship Hangar. Can help when you need to find this one assembled ship that blows up your hangar volume but you don’t want to mark just all and repackage them. Also you can easier see how much volume the ships will fill up in your jf.
I know you can put ships in Station Containers but you don’t have them at hand all the time.

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And that’s fully intended mechanics. You are not supposed to know exactly when wormhole would collapse.

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Physically impossible. This is the time information about you is moving between nodes within cluster.

Explain to me what’s that supposed to achieve.

You can expect a WH early in it’s life to be there a few hours later when you want to go back. One that’s at the end of it’s life may be there for a few more hours, or it may close right after you go through it. It’s just a risk factor.

I’m making a thread for this in player ideas, let’s not clutter here.

Still using USB 2.0 at CCP I guess?

Suggestion: The “Sell Plex For ISK” button should allow View Marketdetails.
Keywords: UI, wallet, plex wallet, PLEX
Notes: When you are in space and click the button, you get a game blocking notification telling you that market services are only available when docked. But I want to check prices for PLEX and use this button instead of the convoluted market tree view.

Suggestion: Get rid of all BPO’s
Keywords: ui, industry, blueprints
Note: Get rid of BPO’s and add BPCs to all LP stores.

Suggestion: add a delay to local
Keywords: ui, pvp
Note: add a delay to local that gets longer as the sec status decreases. Like 30s for HS 1m for LS and 2m for Null.

Suggestion: add scrams to NPCs
Keywords: pve, missions, anoms
Note: add scrams/points to all mission and site frigates and some cruisers.

Suggestion: rebalance ship HP
Keywords: balance
Note: all ships should have 1.5x the base hp of the next lowest class of ship. For example right now a destroyer has 2x the base hp of a frigate and a carrier has 8x the base hp of a battleship. Change this to destroyer 1.5x frigate cruiser 1.5x destroyer…Carrier 1.5x battleship ect.

Suggestion: redo or change the career agents
Keywords: new players
Note: the career agents have not aged well at all and need to be updated to help out new players. Make them more like the new player experience.

Suggestion: There should be a Stars in jump range color filter for the old map in addition to the jump bubble.
Keywords: UI, map, jump drive
Notes: The sphere is not a great help to see if a star is in range especially close to the edge. Added bonus helpful feature would be different colors for different LY ranges. A similar filter exists already with the Planet in scan range filter which has different colors for different ranges.

Sidenote: I explicitly mention the old map because the new map is not in a usable state. Another example to support this statement is the fact that the Planets in range filter does not have different colors for different LY ranges.

None of these are little things or QoL improvements. All of it reads as a troll post. Please keep that stuff out of this thread as a courtesy to the devs.

Suggestion: Get a Hauling Section in the Station Inventory
Keywords: ui, inventory
Note: It would help to have a hangar or something where you can put everything you want to put in a courier

Notes: I’m setting up a lot of couriers at the moment and it is a pain in the ass if you want to put things from different containers and ships in one courier. When I want to get the collateral it is nearly impossible without using multiple evepraisals. Afterwards you have to select all the items from the inventory list which might lead to miss stuff or put stuff you didn’t want in a courier as a first place.
Doesn’t have to be a container or something. Just a box where you can drag all the stuff (even things like MTUs) and it links to the actual module or ship. Afterwards you can just select all, get your evepraisal and setup the courier from that window.

Suggestion: Show Info windows for ammo, modules should have a tab with implants and hardwirings that affect them.
Keywords: UI, show info, implants, hardwirings
Notes: Would be nice to have an easier way to check for implants for particular items other than trying to find an implant/hardwiring in the market.

Suggestion: Allow the “Collapse All” feature in the “Personal Assets” window to work as an “Expand All” toggle.

Suggestion: Rename “Reprocessing” to be uniform across all contexts where it’s mentioned.
Note: In some places it’s referred to as “Reprocessing” while in other places (such as skills) it’s called “Processing.”

I’m not going to get an ulcer if they never fix it, but it is an inconsistency.

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Suggestion: A window similar to Safe Log Off window for things like Jump to cyno, switch ships after dock, jump clone after switching ships, etc.
Keywords: UI, session change timer.
Notes: Since we won’t get rid of session change timers and since this feature still exists for Undocking, it should be augmented and made available for many more things where session change timers create annoying wait times and mass clicking. The window should obviously also offer a button to abort the process.

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