Little things / Small QoL suggestions

strong text Suggestion: Character portrait to display Corp or Alliance Logo
Keywords: ui, Character Customisation
Note: A reason to spend EverMarks

I would like to be able to use a character background that displays my Corp or Alliance logo

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Suggestion: Bring back ability to change order value by scrolling within the market order window

Keywords: ui, market

When I used to change market orders, if my mouse cursor was within the order window, I could easily adjust the sell order value by scrolling up/down. Now that doesn’t work anymore (for a few months now), and I now have to have my cursor hover in the ISK amount window to be able to do that. This is making changing orders more tedious and slows down most traders.

I created bug reports about it, have not heard or seen any improvement :frowning:

Suggestion: Characters with negative standings should not be able to chat me without me confirming the chat invite.
Keywords: UI, chat, standings, chat rejection
Notes: If characters have no standings, they can invite you to a chat and you have the opportunity to reject the invitation. As soon as you add a character to your contacts, they can chat you whenever they want. This is quite troublesome if chars do that which you have added with NEGATIVE standings. The option “Auto-Reject chats” is not a solution because you also block chat requests that you want to receive. Only positive standing characters should be allowed to directly chat you without invitation approval.


Wait a minute!

Did you post an idea I actually agree with? :thinking:

Yup, upon reading again, I agree this is how it should work.

:exploding_head: :ghost: :rofl:

Suggestion: The Trade portion in a ship’s right click menu (orange outlined area) needs the option “look for Paragon skins”.
Keywords: UI, Paragon, skins, skin designer
Notes: The way you look for skins in the PHub is annoying and cumbersome. You should also be able to search for skins right from the ship you are looking at without needing to use the PHub search.

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So you need a new way to open the preview window?

Click Neocom → put cursor on paragon services → click button to open SKINR

Doesn’t seem difficult to me. Also, as an optional mechanic, it doesn’t need to clutter up the right click menus of those of us who couldn’t possibly care less about it. It’s literally two clicks away if you want it already.

Suggestion: Don’t Zoom In Close When Undocking

Keywords: Camera, Zoom
Note: Useful to be zoomed out when undocking to access menus

When I undock, the camera is zoomed in close enough the vast majority of my background is the station, which provides a certain number of options when right-clicked. What I want is to be able to right-click on empty space for the sake of navigating to planets, asteroid belts, anomalies, etc. If there’s a setting to adjust the camera distance when I first undock, I haven’t found it, but it gets irritating having to scroll out every time I undock.


We all feel your frustration.

Turn off the 'Dynamic Camera Movement" in options. It doesn’t always fix it but it helps.

Instead of zooming out, rotate the camera either up or down relative to your motion. This will give you clear sky much faster than zooming out.

Have you tried switching to the Tactical Camera and turning off the Overlay? I have no idea if this will help or not, but it’s worth a shot. Let us know if it works.

Suggestion: Option to have fresh Agent Conversation Window(s) open within my designated Agent Conversation Window stack position and size.

Keywords: Agent Conversation Window, Stack

Note: When I investigate a bran new never before investigated Item, Location, Ship etc. in the Show Info Window I have the option to have that Item, Location, Ship etc. Show Info Window open in the same place and according to the same dimensions that previous Item Show Info Windows opened and that they be stacked.

Please make it so that new Agent Conversation Windows can be managed in the same way.

Suggestion: Make show other peoples networks (when doing PI on planets) defaulted as ON and also make them slightly more visible

Keywords: PI, UI

Note: when looking to set up PI is it handy to see other peoples networks but this option is off and you need to right click > show on every planet. set this default to on and use right click to turn off if not wanted.

Also make the selection persistant over all planets rather than having to set it for each one.

Lastly, the icons at the moment are very faint. darken them up a little so they are easier to see.


Extend the ‘split stack’ behaviour to multiple stacks at the same time
UI, hanger, items, stacks
Note: EVERYONE would love you for this, when putting ammo in ships :slight_smile:

When we select a stack of items and drop it somewhere with SHIFT held, we get the option to say the quantity (X) to be dropped at that location.
Please can we extend that behaviour for multiple stacks of items.
if you have 4 stacks of different ammos selected. X number of EACH will be dropped at the chosen location.

it should work for all item types not just ammo.

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Hint: in case you don’t know it - pick highest concentration resource on the PI resource scanner. set sensitivity to lowest so almost all turns white. CCs should become more visible now.

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[Suggestion]: Triglavian ships meta level should not be equal to 0, should be equal to 8.

[Keywords]: UI, Inventory, Item filter, Meta level, Triglavian ships

[Note]: Currently Triglavian ships (e.g. Vedmak, Leshak, Drekavac) share the same meta level as regular Tech 1 ships in the inventory item filter, whereas other pirate ships are meta level 8, and empire faction ships are meta level 7.

This does not reflect the ingame restrictions on acceleration gates to access fw complexes, as Triglavian ships fall into the same category as other pirate ships (meta level 8) for access there.


Suggestion: Ability to filter the overview by structure size, not just structure type.
Keywords: UI, overview, structures, filtering
Note: Right now you can only enable or disable an entire structure type (citadel, refinery, etc.). This makes narrow filtering impossible.

This problem becomes most apparent when looking for the reprocessing/compression Tatara in a system filled with moon mining Athanors. Most pilots would want to filter the Athanors out of their overview, since they are barely used. The Tatara is used pretty much daily by miners. Right now you can’t do this, only enable all of them or none of them.


Suggestion: Add ETA (estimated time of arrival) in Route overview
Keywords: ui, route, travel
Note: Nice to know ETA of the selected route ( taking in consideration ship warp speed and system gate distance)


Suggestion: Color the current system in assets and market.
Keywords: ui, color, assets, hauling
Note: There is already a yellow color for every system in route to the destination, but current system is not colored anymore and you can miss it.

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Suggestion: Editable Waypoints and Destination order in route list.
Keywords: ui, waypoint, route, destination, travel
Note: Most of the time you find that there is a shorter way to system B before system A so with right-click we could reorder the list ( send to first or send to last).

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Suggestion: Drag sell order to be the nth in the list
Keywords: ui, market, tradeing
Note: Everybody who trades wants to update his trade to be the 1st in the list of that station. Why not drag your order on top of the list and back-end takes the smallest increment needed to be in that position.

Suggestion: industry icon should blink on job completion until window is opened and an option to receive notifications in the notifications button. seems like a no brainer imo…
Keywords: Ui, Industry, Neocom, Notifications.
Note: there are no notifications that an industry job has completed, and no button blink for competed jobs, would be nice to get a notification on log in or at job completion.

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Suggestion: please consider placing all unallocated SP in one pool for all characters on an account.
Keywords: SP, Skill Points,
Note: this would be nice for using unallocated sp gained with main character to be spent on alts on the same account, or vice versa.