Or in the alternative just highlight the X so it can be found without barrage clicking for a corner. Not everyone here has perfect eye site or computers in dark rooms.
Suggestion: Ability to stack mining lasers
Keywords: Mining, Stacking
Note: a lot less clicking
it will help my mouse last longer when rokh mining.
Suggestion: Prohibit private stations from changing docking status when there are open courier contracts
Keywords: courier, contract, docking, scam
Note: Would prevent courier contract scams by preventing the owner from changing the docking permissions to private when there are open courier contracts to that station.
Great idea seeing as we can’t just switch characters quickly.
Suggestion: Bindable roll-up/roll-down of pinned windows which restores functions previously removed.
Alternatively restore the function as originally implemented and to remove confusion place a pop up window on the function if tab is hit twice rapidly to perform the roll up/roll down.
Keyword: UI, UX, Overview, key bind, tab
Note: This was the previous behaviour prior to Dec 2015.
Reason: This had various use cases, but mainly PI management was made easier as well as being able to quick look behind the window blur of all UI after the updates from years ago.
See feed back from the old thread here >> https://forums-archive.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=6350674#post6350674
And Here
@CCP_karkur As we discussed in the UI/UX round table
Output example of collapsed behaviour (took me a minute to dig that one out)
Suggestion: On ‘My Orders’ screen, give button (drop down list) to see ONLY current region.
Keywords: Market, Orders, Current Region, UI
Note: Perhaps also a side pop-out list for all other regions we have orders in.
Frequently I’m simply trying to update orders just for the region that I’m currently in. In fact most of the time. It would be nice if there were a way to just see orders for the region I’m in. And this way I could sort the list in ways other than by region in order to get them all grouped together.
Suggestion: On right-click menu for items include ‘Find in Assets’ .
Keywords: UI, right-click menu
Note: Perhaps under Find in Contracts
I can’t tell you how often it is I am looking at an item I want to fit to a ship, and given that I have a ton of items spread out all over the Eve cluster, I want to see if I already have that item. And so i have to check my assets screen frequently. So I guess I can tell you… a lot.
Therefore it would be helpful if there was an option on the right-click menu of an item to ‘Find in Assets’. This would bring up the assets screen and fill out the search box to do the search automatically.
Suggestion: Set ‘Favorite’ Station for remote buy orders in a region.
Keywords: UI, Market, Remote, Orders
Note: Perhaps include a button next to ‘Place Buy Order’ that has ‘Place Remote Buy Order’
It’s cumbersome and tiresome, considering that most of the buy orders I place I do remotely to citadels, to have to go through the multi-step process of ‘selecting a station’ for a remote buy order. As such it would be nice if there were some way to set a ‘Favorite Station’ that remote buy order’s default to. Or at least a quick list we can use rather than having to search for the station every time.
Right now, if there is a market in the station you are in, when you click on ‘Place Buy Order’ it defaults to the station you are in for creating the buy order. You can (have to if you are in a station without a market) then click on ‘Location’ in the dialog window to change the station for the order. You then have to search for the station you want, and click on the desired search result. This becomes quite irritating when you are placing more than a couple buy orders.
Perhaps there could be a separate button for ‘Place Remote Buy Order’ next to the ‘Place Buy Order button’. If there is no market in the station you are in (or you’re in space) then ‘Place Buy order’ either becomes grayed out, or it defaults to a Remote buy order and comes up with your favorite station.
Alternatively, instead of choosing a favorite station in a region, Remote Buy Orders could default to the last station you used for placing a remote buy order.
Suggestion: Possibility to adjust HUD layout in station without undocking.
Keywords: UI, fitting, HUD
Notes: get rid of undock annoyance and session change timer
Suggestion: Let us preview the fireworks!
Keywords: fireworks, preview
Notes: I though it would be cool if we could see how the firewoks look like, before we buy/use it. Make it use the ship/skin preview window, and set the animation on repeat.
Suggestion: On Mining Ledge put pre-set time ranges.
Keywords: UI, Mining Ledger
Notes: For instance: Day, Week, Month, Year/Max. Can be next to date input field.
In the space next to the Range date entry fields, above the Mining History graph, it would be nice to have pre-set buttons for typical ranges you want to see. Like: Day, Week, Month, and Year (Maximum)
This way we could quickly see our effort over say the last week, and then the last month, with a click of the button, rather than having to play with the slider on the graph or figure out the dates to key in.
As a bonus feature, there could be left and right arrows which allow you to move the range in increments of the time range you have set. So if you have ‘week’ selected, clicking left would take you back to the previous week, etc…
Suggestion: Ability to see volume in Multibuy
Keywords: ui, multibuy, market
Note: Useful buying stuff to ship somewhere else
When I’m buying stuff from Jita with Multibuy and need to ship it somewhere else, it would be very useful to know how much space the order takes up so I know if it fits in my 60k m3 hauler.
Soooooooo can we actually get this or were you just joking because it would actually be great to have this.
Suggestion: Add Multibuy Button To ‘Business’ section in the Neocom Menu
Keywords: UI, Market
Note: Currently you need to enter the Market window to access the Multibuy window.
Adding it to the Business section in the Neocom will allow people to not open the Market
before getting to the Multibuy window. This would primarily help people who are
a] Already in the Neocom Menu and b] More simply be able to drag items into the
Multibuy window if they just wish access to that and not the market.
Suggestion: On ‘Deliver Items to’ dialog, add tab for ‘Recent’ or ‘Frequent’
Keywords: UI, Deliver Items To
Note: For those with a lot of Contacts, but few we typically deliver to
On the ‘Deliver Items to’ dialog there is a Search tab, and an ‘All Contacts’ tab that you can scroll through all your contacts to find the one you want to deliver to. While search is easier when you have a large contacts list, it would be even easier if there were a tab for ‘Recent’ contacts or ‘Frequent’ contacts that showed all your most recently delivered to or frequently delivered to contacts.
Additional to this: Add a “Blue Contacts” tab (or just plain change “All Contacts” to “Blue Contacts”). The number of times I am going to want to deliver items to Reds is extremely limited.
Suggestion: Persist fleet sharing in Fleet Finder upon changing Boss
Keywords: ui,fleet
Note: [QOL] Persist fleet sharing upon changing Boss
KEYWORDS: Industry, Manufacturing, UI
I think it would be cool to add two attributes to every ship:
- The character name of the person who built the ship
- The corporation that the character was a part of when it was made
That should be really easy (just add two attributes, and include it in “show info”.) If you wanted to be really cool, you could add manufacturing date and the system name and name of the facility where it was manufactured. (it would be funny to see someone whose ship was blown up by a ship they made, too…) Would be interesting to see this info on zkillboard.
This might be a bit more work, but still cool:
I would like to see the logo of the corporation that manufactured the ship appear on the ship, somewhere. Not prominent, of course, but somewhere identifiable.
Next level: Include the picture of the manufacturer on the ship
Top level: Let each character design a personal logo to be included on every ship they build.
Suggestion: Hotkeys for cycling through overview tabs
Keywords: ui, hotkeys, overview
Note: Would be useful to have a ‘directional’ hotkey setup to tab through ‘next’ and ‘previous’ overview tabs, looping around when either the first or last tab is reached. Can be frustrating sometimes to click the little tabs, and can work nicely with d-scan using the active overview settings.
Suggestion: Highlight home station (or be able to “favorite” a station) in remote buy order station select interface
Keywords: UI, market
Note: A lot of people have a single station where they do most of their trading. In a crowded system like Jita, finding the correct station in the remote buy-order interface is harder than it should be, thanks to all the very similar station names. It would be nice to be able to mark the station you use the most, so that it stands out in the list.
Suggestion: Carebear Scoreboard - nothing but a small scoreboard, which shows the personal kills of npcs, sorted by faction/type (e.g. Angels, Sansha, Incursion Sansha, Sleepers, …)
Keywords: UI, pve