Suggestion: Ability to search the Extractions tab of a Structure
Keywords: ui, structure browser, search
Note: A while back you added search to the structure browser. This was a huge help. May we also have it for the extractions tab? I am in charge of logistics for Goonswarm. We have thousands of extractions going in our space. Scrolling through our list of extractions to find a specific system or planet/moon (we name all our structures uniformly so we can tell where they are) can be difficult.
Suggestion: Have fueled & online mining refineries which aren’t currently extracting continue to be listed on the Extractions Tab of the Structure Browser.
Keywords: ui, structure browser, extractions
Note: The use case is when a corporation has a bunch of mining refineries and one auto-fracks in an odd timezone and no one remembers to fly out and set a new extractions. All online refineries with a mining drill should still be listed on the extractions tab, just with a notice in place of their non-existent timer stating “NO EXTRACTION” or some other UI element.
Trenneung von BPO Researched an not Researched BPO
Suggestion: IN Cargo Showable of an BPO TE and ME
Keywords: Sort blueprints, Inventorie (not Industrie Window)
Note: An BPO is hard to Transfer when its completly Researched to an another Container. Because you can only see in “show info, Industry” the stats of the BPO so it made some work to Seperate Researched an not Researched BPO.
Suggestion: Move “Pirate NPC” and “Deadspace Overseer” entities in the overview settings next to each other.
Keywords: overview, Pirate NPC
Note: Needed to make overview settings a little more intuitive.
When people rat and/or explore Deadspace Overseers is what they want to encounter. It absolutely sucks to switch to someone’s else overview (to finally make it tidy) and miss an overseer because it’s a separate entity.
Suggestion: Add horizontal scroll bars?
Tags: UI, Overview
Notes: It’s a pain to have to resize windows to see all the columns.
Suggestion: Filter for Market Orders
Tags: Wallet, Market Orders, Buy, Sell
Notes: When you have a bunch of sell orders in different places it is a pain to quickly update them all as you need to check the location of each one individually rather than just fire down the list. If you could filter your orders by jump distance like with the market this would make the process much more efficient. You could also include other filters like price etc.
Suggestion: Alphas able to use all civilian drones
Keywords: Drones
Note: Would be a nice way to introduce drones to new players
Text: As note sayed and it would be nice for all alpha players as well.
Suggestion: Make alphas able to extract their pi
Keywords: Pi
Note: finish the introduction for pi fully
Text: Current state for alphas in pi introduction: “Hey, this is pi, let us trick you to place down some command centers and scamming you to believe that you can do it as an alpha” “oh, btw… hehehe… You can’t extract your materials, a good lesson for you we can scam to. Welcome to eve”
Let players get into pi fully and let them enjoy it. More pi = more materials on the market or items made.
Suggestion: Add filter for Small, Medium, Large, X Large structures for each Citadel Category
Tags: Overview
Notes: It’s a pain scrolling through a list of Athnors to find the Jump Gates, Fortizars, or Keepstars.
Suggestion: Ammo hold for Marauders
Keywords: Marauders, Ammo, Cargo
Notes: Would love to see an ammo specific hold in Marauders. It would benefit the folks in game, so when sorting through a huge pile of salvage, you don’t accidentally take off without some pew-pew.
Suggestion: A filter option or sorting option “By Date” for contacts.
Keywords: People and Places, UI, filters, contacts, sorting, filter
Note: I keep adding certain chars to a Label and share these contacts with other people sometimes. I would love to have a way to give them only the newest entries of the list and not everything over and over again.
Suggestion: add inventory hanger areas to each ship you own as a place to put spare ammo and refits.
Keywords: inventory, ship hanger, assets.
Suggestion: add ‘notes’ to ships in ship hanger for doctrine names etc.
Keywords: inventory, ship hanger, assets.
Suggestion: allow ‘fit ships’ to access containers, add a check box to disallow.
Keywords: ship fitting, assets, inventory
Suggestion: stock & restock ammo.
Keywords: ship fitting, assets, inventory
Notes: add a restock ammo function to the fitting tool, including the ability to quickly add all ammo types for the weapon systems fitted too a ship (a modification to the existing system were you set a default ammo amount and tick boxes for the ammo you want)
Suggestion: fix the fitting tool when refitting. Particularly t3cs/rigs
Keywords: ship fitting, assets, inventory
Suggestion: change the forum font’s apostrophe so it can be copy-pasted into the market window
Keywords: forum, market
Notes: currently the ’ (apostrophe) in the forum font isn’t recognized as an apostrophe by the market window. If you copy-paste an item name from the forums, you get this result:
Brynn’s Modified Tracking Computer
The same thing happens in evepraisal, which won’t recognize item lines with apostrophes copied from the forum.
I just lost a bil doing something VERY similar
Suggestion: Allow us to save more fittings!
Keywords: ship fitting
Note: Please?
I don’t know when was the number of saved personal fittings increased last time (if ever) but I’m sure we have much more ships nowadays.
Suggestion: Add option to stop containers being repackaged
Keywords: Inventory management, containers
Note: I often have to manage items in my station by selecting, repairing, repackaging. It’s a pain to deselect the containers i need to use to get over item limits.
Suggestion: Unload All Ammo
Keywords: Unload, Ammo
Add an ‘unload all’ ammo option, sort of like the ‘reload all’ ammo option for weapon groups (it would have to apply only to weapons im guessing).
Microsoft have just released the source code of their calculator :
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