Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Suggestion: Refresh right-click menu when dropping out of warp
Keywords: UI

Would be nice if we didn’t have to mouse over some other parent menu entry after dropping out of warp to force a refresh so the Warp To option will be available again. It’s a little thing that’s been annoying since 2003.

Suggestion: Add command sequence issuing function
Keywords: UI, Movement, Combat
Note: Useful to issue sequences/queues of commands to manage something else (Strategic decisions, commanding a fleet etc.)

When moving/fighting the game is unresponsive at times (module activations not registered as well as movement commands issued). Adding the ability to issue multiple commands in a sequence would fix that (move to point A then B then C, activate module 1 then 2 then 3). Moving in that direction in general since EVE is a strategy mostly. Also would make multiboxing easier.


as an icon for special edition ships

The Enemies Abound 2 mission shouldn’t send you on a fetch quest 8 jumps away.

Maybe it’s just the agent I use, but it’s bad enough getting a distribution mission from a security agent without having it take 15 minutes as well.

add a fuel requirement to cloaks, preferably plex.

add an additional fuel requirement to launch bombs, preferably plex

add an additional fitting requirement for polarised launchers, preferably plex glue.

add an additional fuel requirement to light a cyno, preferably plex.

add an additional fuel requirement to boosh, preferably plex.

Make Abyssal keys and Abyssal loot contraband in highsec.

Move NPC buy orders for Abyssal loot to NPC nullsec stations, and limit to one per region maximum.

Make WH blue loot and T3s contraband in highsec.

Move NPC buy orders for Blue loot to NPC nullsec stations and limit to one per region maximum.

Limit the number items each NPC buy order will purchase per month to 5-10% of all estimated blueloot and abyssal space drops the previous month.

Auto targeting modules make em work without shutting down on warp or acceleration gates.
Signal amplifier modules make em boost max directional scan range from 14AU to more

Make exiting from a WH flag the pilot as a suspect for 23 hours, and don’t add it to the patch notes.

Make security status decrease over time as long as you are in lawless space.

Make standings with the main Empires neutralize over time while in lawless space.

Make standings built with NPC corporations decay over time.

Suggestion: Select default skin for ship / pod.

Pod particularly because I bought a pod skin, thinking it would stay selected after i board/unboard ships but it doesnt. So i never get to use it because if i leave ship or get blown up it just goes to default pod


having chat windows stay in the same order as you put them in after log off

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Suggestion: If you try to repackage damaged modules ask if you want to repair them and repackage them if you chose yes.
Keywords: ui, repackage, damaged, repair
Note: taken from following reddit post:


I’d like it if when the target is dead, and the turret is still on cooldown, I can still click on the icon to queue up ‘start shooting the next target when guns are ready’.

Having to wait and monitor when the turrets are off to click the icon, then wait until they actually shoot to see any change is just a horrible experience and often because of lag or impatience I’ve deactivated it as soon as I’ve activated it, and if there’s a lot of chaos I might not notice for a long time that turrets are off.

Let me click it right away, update the turret icon right away on the selected target, then change it to green or another color or let it blink when it’s started firing.

This would make so much difference to me.


Suggestion: Market Browser collapsing item tree after leaving an item

Keywords: ui, market
Note: Helps in keeping the Market Browser clean and easy to navigate

A while ago, during spring/summer an update came to the market browser that when you click “market info” (Be it from individual item or opening an item’s market info from market window to update a buy/sell order) it opens up the entire market root tree up to the individual item. This in the end leaves an enormous mess to be cleaned up manually since the game does not currently also close said market tree as well.

Example below of how currently after updating a dozen market orders and checking market info on few items. The market tree is left as following. And do note it remains as such even if you close the Market window or close the game. Its a nightmare to browse trough after updating market orders unless you spend dozen minutes closing each and every subcategory after subcategory in each different item type list.

As you can see. Its an utter mess, each and every one of those item class subtrees has to be closed upon closed upon closed. This is a major pain for anyone doing anything in the market.


Suggestion: Total volume displays in Personal Assets and other places

Keywords: cubic meters, m3, assets

A change to the display on the Personal Assets page(and maybe functional everywhere!) whereby the station line(whether expanded or not) shows the total volume in cubic meters of all items in that station and the same in the information popup when a subset of items is selected(exactly as happens when using the inventory page except have the popup function for all selected, not just the one hovered over) in order to more easily make decisions regarding said items.

(Hey, you said one sentence…)

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Suggestion: Make copy + pasting inventory consistent in icon mode

Keywords: ui

In the inventory window, using the better-looking icon mode disables the ability to select your items and copy their info. If you want to paste item info into something like evepraisal, you have to choose either the details or list mode to do so.


Suggestion: max locked targets per line

Keywords: ui, combat, pve
Note: smaller screens to many targets on single line

not everyone has wide screen monitors and having 12 locked targets in pve (maurders) / incursions (as a logi) they sometimes get stuck behind other things and makes more mouse travel time needed to set a new focused target (yes i know i can drag them to a new line but doing that every time you lock more things or start a new site with perma locks is not the best answer)
having them go to a second line after X many locks would be a quick and easy fix (aslong as we can set the number of locks b4 going new line)


no. there is a very good reason why its not compressible.

Salty much? You like making people read all this don’t you?

Suggestion: Ability to remotely trash items from anywhere
Keywords: assets, management
Note: It used to be possible before, isn’t anymore for some reason.