Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Suggestion: Make HUD movable
Keywords: UI, Anchored, HUD, Player Interface
Notes: I want my HUD in the middle of the screen. You don’t allow that. Silly CCP.

Suggestion: Sort attributes to match for comparison
Keywords: Attributes, Show Info, Comparison, Modules
Notes: Variations of modules, or even differing modules with the same attributes to read, don’t match up. It’s as if every module designer simply stuck info in as if we’d never want to open up two or more attribute windows to check between two models.

Suggestion: Clean Ship Button in Station Button Panel
Keywords: Station, ship interaction, starbase, clean ship, ship SKINs
Notes: It’s an instant thing, this cleaning ships now. But three mouse clicks to get to it is a bit silly (fittings/skins/clean ship). Even while flying? Silly CCP.

Suggestion: Larger icons and Text
Keywords: HUD, UI, text, icons
Notes: Some of us use a smaller UI setup but want the text larger. Can’t get it any larger. Could it get to 20px, 22px? Please?

Suggestion: Individually opaque boxes
Keywords: HUD, UI, text, info panel, overview, windows
Notes: I want some of my pinned windows darker than others, but alas, you don’t currently allow this.


Make fleet ad automatically follow fleet leadership.

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When you have more than 1 character in a corp, make it possible to select a “mail-main” to avoid having to open the same 5 mails on multiple characters.

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Suggestion: Structure browser show structures that are not public or corp owned but that we have access to

I have access to some structures that are not public but also not owned by my corp. Because of this they do not show up in the structure browser even though I have access to dock and use facilities in them.

It would be useful to be able to see these structures in the list and possibly have a filter for them.


Suggestion: When new overview entities are added to the game, add them to existing overviews by default

Keywords: overview
Note: It’s a lot faster/safer to rightclick something on overview to remove it, than it is to try to add something missing that could kill you while trying, like new rats. I feel this could go under “fix the stupid”.


Suggestion: Clone management / Pod rework
Keywords: clones, pod
Note: Add escape pod mechanic / Implants not lost during explosion / Improved clone management

I would very enjoy QOL changes in the clone/pod system.
It’s annoying to swap clones before PVP/delays etc and after PVP not to mention that I have to use 2 stations to hold my clones in the same system

  1. Clone for PvE 2. Clone for offline (max attributes) 3. clone for travel/PVP

Current pod mechanics are very archaic, annoying and very frustrating.
Very often people forget that they use expensive pods, then during fleet, they dock up to change clone or go back… Not to mention the frustration of losing 1-3b pod in 30m ship. It’s also impossible to have a clone for every ship (missiles, turrets, drones, miners, boosts etc)
Besides, it’s just a pod so it never should be worth to worry about it. The ship should be a primary and only target during the PVP. This would also prevent people from killing pods in fleet fights and focus on actual combat.

What I would like to suggest is to add mechanic similar to skins
That you can change implants like skins even outside of the station.
That would solve all the problems:

  1. We will be finally able to utilize implants in various situations
  2. No longer you will lose them after losing a ship
  3. This will also save a lot of time of waiting in frustration for the cooldown to jump
    And many others

You already have this mechanic for skins, it’s just about expanding it to implants
There may be also other ways to solve it. It’s just my idea after playing the game for almost 4 years.

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You can switch clones, without delay to switch back, if you’re in the same citadel as your destination jump clone.

Add a warning notification to the triglavian proving conduit like lowsec/nullsec/wormhole. Nothing more frustrating than accidently taking the wrong gate and losing 1bil+ ship.

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I think you may have misquoted, as my suggestion was only to update tooltips of t3 items, not change anything with insurance or value of items.

Suggestion: Ability Rotate Longitudinal or Latitudinal Anchored Structures

Keywords: Structure Management, Structure Anchoring
Note: Useful for purchased/or misaligned structures

Suggestion: Highlight Bookmarks in the People and Places window yellow like stations in the Asset window.
Keywords: UI, bookmarks, people and places, highlight
Notes: I just set course to a certain location and wanted to see if I have docking spots at that location. Yellow highlighted bookmarks would make it a lot easier to see that without a lot of scrolling through hundreds of bookmarks.

As I understand the clone swapping delay, its a consequence of a “recent” change to remove the delay messages when trying to undock to quickly after doing things like swapping ships or swapping pods.

Personally I 100% preferred the old system where I would have the delay when trying to undock too soon rather than hiding that same delay earlier in the process when preparing my pods and ships.

I was thinking of both of your points and wondering how to overcome it and I think I know.

In fleet window, to the right of name should be a grey button labelled: “STATUS”. If you click it that players HP bars will be displayed in the fleet window to the right of their name.

You would still be limited to max number you can get the status of but you would require one less window and you will get info on their position within the fleet organisation too.

I would then like the broadcast history window to be expandable from the top or bottom of the window as desired by the player.

Suggestion: Allow ‘locking’ of user chat channels

Keywords: ui, chat
Note: There’s nothing more annoying than closing People & Places or some other window with ctrl-w and having a chat channel focused inadvertently. Or, closing an entire stack of chat channels… Please let us “lock” chat channels so that we can’t leave without unlocking them

Suggestion: additional text in logistic drone descriptions “Cannot repair the owner’s ship” or similar
Keywords: text, description, drone
Notes: Just some text in the description of the various repair drones to explain a currently hidden mechanic that can only be otherwise discovered in-game by training for, and acquiring the drones.

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Wouldn’t it be good if you could attack your own ship with combat, e-war and logi drones?

Holy Sh- i just heard of this thread last night and have a suggestion already. Move the Activate SKIN license, in the right click menu, its right above Trash Item. I’m so cautious and take so much longer to re-read what i clicked on so i don’t delete a skin.

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Suggestion: Add ‘Custom’ Orbit/Keep at range option

Keywords: ui, combat, navigation

Allow us to use the right click menu to set a custom Orbit or Keep At range from the dropdown

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Suggestion: Add Remove Bookmark to radial menu.
Keywords: UI, radial menu, bookmarks, remove
Notes: Why is it not there yet?


Suggestion: LP Store to have Ship SKINS
Keywords: SKINS, Loyalty Points, Missions
Notes: Ship SKINS no longer available in NEX Store to be sold in LP Stores. This will allow players who missed out on getting those SKINS the chance to get them, and allow those who have large numbers of LP’s to spend them on something, rather than stockpiling them up.