Suggestion: Ability to Change Profiles during game-play.
Keywords: Profiles, Overview, UI.
Note: Ability to apply a different Profile (windows position, overview
settings) during game-play.
No longer have to manually reconfigure windows position and overview settings every time you change tasks and ships.
Suggestion: Ability to use Shortcuts in the Bookmarks List.
Keywords: Bookmarks, Places Window, Shortcuts, UI.
Note: Ability to use the keyboard shortcuts Align to, Warp to, Dock,
etc, with the Locations List (People & Places - Places).
Suggestion: Drone Under Attack Indicator.
Keywords: Drone Window, Alert, UI.
Note: Start flashing red the the name of the drone being attacked in
the Drones Window.
Suggestion: Ability to Select Multiple Items in the Overview.
Keywords: Overview Window, Selection, UI.
Note: Ability to select multiple items in the overview window list. To
target multiple items at once. To Tag multiple items at once. Etc.
Suggestion: Ability to Tag Items Without a Fleet.
Keywords: Overview Window, Tag, UI.
Note: Ability to Tag items in the overview list without being part of a
fleet. Very useful for Marking Ship Groups and Triggers during PVE.
Suggestion: Ability to Activate an Entire Rack with one Shortcut.
Keywords: Modules Activation, Shortcuts, UI.
Note: Ability to activate an entire module rack (all the high slots,
all the mid slots, or all the low slots) with one keyboard shortcut.
Suggestion: Ability to Easy Target all Tagged Itens.
Keywords: Overview Window, Tag, Lock Target, Shortcuts, UI.
Note: Ability to target all tagged itens with just one keystroke
(keyboard shortcut).
Suggestion: Ability to Unlock all Targets with one Shortcut.
Keywords: Overview Window, Unlock Targets, Shortcuts, UI.
Note: Ability to unlock all locked targets with one with just one
keystroke (keyboard shortcut).
Suggestion: Ability to Untag all Tagged Itens with one Shortcut.
Keywords: Overview Window, Untag, Shortcuts, UI.
Note: Ability to untag all tagged itens with just one keystroke
(keyboard shortcut).
Suggestion: Ability to Auto-Repeat the Directional Scanner.
Keywords: Directional Scanner Window, Auto-Repeat, UI.
Note: Ability to Auto-Repeat the SCAN on the Directional Scanner
Window every some seconds.
Suggestion: No Auto-Character Name on Ships and Capsule.
Keywords: Ship Name.
Note: Don't automatically put the character name on ships and the
capsule (pod).
Suggestion: No Undock before Loading the Flight UI.
Keywords: Game Loading, Undock, UI.
Note: Properly load the Flight UI before launching the ship out of the
Station. Or create an option that allows not to launch the ship