Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Suggestion: Add a standings groups to ACLs
Keywords: ACL, Standings

Standings are heavily used, especially within the null sec arena. Suggestion would be to add an option to add all entities with +10 or +5 standing (maybe even -5 & -10 to block access) as a single entry. This would simplify maintenance of multiple complex ACLs.

1. Solar system Info window contains Sovereignty information.

Tags: UI

Right click on a solar system name and “show info” If I want to know if it’s in amarr space I can look at the stations and guess or use google. That’s dumb, just have the Sovereignty underneath.

Solar System
Region The Forge
Constellation Aulari
Security Level 0.5
Sovereignty Caldari State

2. Chat channel MOTD can be popped out

Tags: UI

Chat channel motd can be popped out into a separate window.
It auto updates when channel motd is updated and can optinally be brought into focus (automatically) when updated. When a chat channel is busy trying to use info in the motd is annoying.

3. Mass “report bot” ability

Tags: UI

Open “Mass report” UI window
Clicking on a player in the overview adds / removes them from the list.
Select time scale you suspect these characters were using input broadcasting. (1/5/10/30 min)
Hit submit and all are reported as bot.
This is because bots are usuallly a LOT of accounts and the four clicks it takes now per toon is a very lengthy process if for instance I want to report all 40 people in a fleet.

4. Tracking camera target can be moved

Tags: UI

It used to be the case that you could move your tracking camera target around the screen to give a more cinematic view when tracking a target. I have no idea why this was removed I used it quite a lot.
I think it should cycle: -
Non-tracking camera.
Tracking camera - centre of the screen (for d-scan)
Tracking camera - user selected location on the screen for visual effect.

5. Can clone jump within the same solar system / station with zero cooldown

Tags: Game Mechanics

If I have flown to the same solar system as the target clone, what’s the point of the cooldown? Just get rid of it. When I can’t jump clone and I need to, to do anything worthwhile, I just log off and go play another game, is that the intended result?


This should me a qol to - Bowhead - nomadic lifestyle

Suggestion: Show Standings Tags in contract search results.
Keywords: UI, contracts, menu, standings, search
Notes: I set certain people with standings to know what they are up to. The contract search results should show the standings like in chat.

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Suggestion: Ability to share Access Control Lists

Keywords: Structure Management
Note: Useful for coalition members

It would be super helpful to share ACLs for coalitions, so they can setup their structures with access to all coalition members.

Suggestion: Add Standing source to chat hover-tooltip

Keywords: ui, standings, chat
Note: When you hover over the standing icon in a character info window, it tells you the source of the standing: “Pilot has excellent standing, based on corporation standing toward corporation”
It would be really nice if we could see this when hovering over the standing icon in a chat window

Suggestion: Add Standing label to hover-toolip

Keywords: ui, standings
Note: It would also be nice to see any labels associated with standings in the hover tooltip

People still insure their ships? :open_mouth:

Or they could simply put that info into the bookmark window so we wouldn’t need a confirmation window.

Suggestion: Ability to “Find in Corp Assets”

Keywords: ui, assets, corporations

Suggestion: Ability to hide columns in the wallet

Keywords: ui, wallet

Note: Including Market Transactions

Suggestion: Ability to reorder columns

Keywords: ui

Note: This is probably a not-so-little change. But it would be really nice to be able to order columns however we want in any window

Suggestion: Remove ‘ISK’ suffix from Amount, Balance, Price and Credit columns in the Wallet

Keywords: ui, wallet

Note: We know it’s in ISK. We even have a Currency column to tell us that on the market orders page. Make it easy for Excel to work with this, please :frowning:

Suggestion: Allow Tactical Overlay to follow what we’re looking at

Keywords: ui, combat

Note: This would be useful for seeing how far some objects are from others

Suggestion: Add degrees to Tactical Overlay

Keywords: ui, combat

Note: The tactical overlay is currently split into 22.5 degree slices, but there are no indicators beyond that - it would be cool to have the numbers displayed

Suggestion: Don’t close Inventory windows when jumping

Keywords: ui, windows, clones

Note: Inventory windows (Cargo, ship, item, etc) are all closed when you click Jump on a clone. It would be really nice if I didn’t have to reopen them every time

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Suggestion: Store item filters as yaml files
Keywords: hangar, items, filter
Note: Creating item filters manually is not as fun as playing the game

No matter how you end up with tens of thousands cubic meters of loot when you sit down to sort them into “Sell” and “Melt” you quickly end up doing something else. Or simply put everything in the melt can. If you do make it through several hundred items once the filters are set up they are only good until the market changes. With a bit of ESI market and SDE magic a filter yaml file can be generated.

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Suggestion: A visual indicator if members of your Watch List are in the same system as you.
Keywords: UI, watch list, pilots, indicator
Notes: Would help to figure out who is with you if you have several people in different roles in the fleet that you need to watch.


Let us sell from containers.

How hard can that be to fix?

Suggestion: Add a Transfer/Send ISK button to the personal wallet page

Keywords: ui, wallet

Note: We can do this for corp wallets, why not personal?

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Suggestion: Ability to hide local warp scramble attempt messages

Keywords: ui, combat

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Suggestion: Ability to Change Profiles during game-play.
Keywords: Profiles, Overview, UI.
Note: Ability to apply a different Profile (windows position, overview
settings) during game-play.

No longer have to manually reconfigure windows position and overview settings every time you change tasks and ships.

Suggestion: Ability to use Shortcuts in the Bookmarks List.
Keywords: Bookmarks, Places Window, Shortcuts, UI.
Note: Ability to use the keyboard shortcuts Align to, Warp to, Dock,
etc, with the Locations List (People & Places - Places).
Suggestion: Drone Under Attack Indicator.
Keywords: Drone Window, Alert, UI.
Note: Start flashing red the the name of the drone being attacked in
the Drones Window.
Suggestion: Ability to Select Multiple Items in the Overview.
Keywords: Overview Window, Selection, UI.
Note: Ability to select multiple items in the overview window list. To
target multiple items at once. To Tag multiple items at once. Etc. 
Suggestion: Ability to Tag Items Without a Fleet.
Keywords: Overview Window, Tag, UI.
Note: Ability to Tag items in the overview list without being part of a
fleet. Very useful for Marking Ship Groups and Triggers during PVE.
Suggestion: Ability to Activate an Entire Rack with one Shortcut.
Keywords: Modules Activation, Shortcuts, UI.
Note: Ability to activate an entire module rack (all the high slots,
all the mid slots, or all the low slots) with one keyboard shortcut.
Suggestion: Ability to Easy Target all Tagged Itens.
Keywords: Overview Window, Tag, Lock Target, Shortcuts, UI.
Note: Ability to target all tagged itens with just one keystroke
(keyboard shortcut).
Suggestion: Ability to Unlock all Targets with one Shortcut.
Keywords: Overview Window, Unlock Targets, Shortcuts, UI.
Note: Ability to unlock all locked targets with one with just one
keystroke (keyboard shortcut).
Suggestion: Ability to Untag all Tagged Itens with one Shortcut.
Keywords: Overview Window, Untag, Shortcuts, UI.
Note: Ability to untag all tagged itens with just one keystroke
(keyboard shortcut).
Suggestion: Ability to Auto-Repeat the Directional Scanner.
Keywords: Directional Scanner Window, Auto-Repeat, UI.
Note: Ability to Auto-Repeat the SCAN on the Directional Scanner
Window every some seconds.
Suggestion: No Auto-Character Name on Ships and Capsule.
Keywords: Ship Name.
Note: Don't automatically put the character name on ships and the
capsule (pod).
Suggestion: No Undock before Loading the Flight UI.
Keywords: Game Loading, Undock, UI.
Note: Properly load the Flight UI before launching the ship out of the
Station. Or create an option that allows not to launch the ship
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Suggestion: Ability to copy name from information window

Keywords: ui, items
Note: It would be really helpful to be able to right-click and copy a station or system name from the Information window


Suggestion: Adding the option to select the ‘Sound Output’ from the audio menu.

Keywords: sound output

My sound output for games and voice is to the headset, but I need the Default windows sound on speakers or other auxiliary device.

Suggestion: Some way to quickly search market transactions

Keywords: ui, market

We are currently limitted to an exact item search for market transactions - this has a couple of drawbacks, such as waiting for a search to complete, having to select the item we want from an annoyingly-long list, etc.

Being able to do a partial search would be very helpful - if not this, at least being able to double-click an entry to open the item’s info window (so we can drag it into the search bar) would be nice


Suggestion: Locator Agents should tell you if someone is docked in an Upwell structure.
Keywords: Agents, Locator Agents
Notes: They can tell if you are docked in a station, they should also tell you if you are docked in a structure.


1. Overview tabs don’t change sort order with other tabs.

Tags: UI

Currently, if I select the pvp tab then organise by pilot name, if i then select general and sort by distance, if i then go back to pvp, the items are no longer sorted by pilot name but are now sorted by distance too.

Just to try and make it clear as possible, I want my pvp tab to be sorted by pilot name and my general tab to be sorted by distance, currently I can’t do that. If i swap from one the other then I have to re-order by the column I want.