Suggestion: Ability to Choose Orbit Trajectory and Direction.
Keywords: Orbit, Flight Mechanic.
Note: Ability to choose orbit trajectory and direction so that we
don't get stuck with a random bad orbit trajectory.
Suggestion: The menu option “context menu fontsize” should be redone and made to increase all fonts.
Keywords: UI, font size, menus
Notes: I would really like to have larger texts in windows without the windows being larger. UI Scaling is not useful because it wastes too much screen space.
Suggestion: Ability to delete skill with no levels trained from character sheet
Keywords: ui, character sheet, skills
Note: I’d be fine with rebuying & injecting the skill, but after extracting industry skills from my main and moving them around since they weren’t maxed and I don’t do my own industry and only assist in the extraction anymore since others have fully train industry characters for reprocessing in just about any corp you join, but filtering by Can Train Now, they always appear and there is no hiding them.
Suggestion: Launch drones from group with max EHP (not damaged)
Keywords: Drones
Note: I have 10 drones in default group for launch. If enemy damage 1-5 drones, i scope and manually launch not damage drone. It would be more convenient if I drag a group of drones into space or press the default drone launch button, then the least damaged drones were released
Suggestion: Separation lines in the overview panel with different distances for objects
Keywords: overview, objects
Note: After objects further 250km to place a horizontal line in the overview panel. It would be convenient to clearly see (not to look at the distance column) which targets are far away and can not harm me(up to 250km). And even better if this distance would be customizable and multiple bands.
Suggestion: Add ‘Simulate Fit’ to the right click menu on packaged ships
Keywords: Simulate, packaged, Inventory
Notes: Currently you either need to assemble the ship or show info and use the hamburger menu.
Suggestion: Being able select multiple entries in Incursion Loyalty Point Log
Keywords: ui, loyaltypoints, incursions
Note: Useful for moving data into spreadsheets and more
After running Trigcursion fleets, being able to copy paste the information of multiple entries from the log into tools and spreadsheets would be really nice for loot payouts and more. (this is already possible in the wallet which has a similar interface)
Suggestion: Make drone sentry mode a togglable setting
Keywords: drones
Note: Enables stationary non-sentry drones, and avoid having them take ages to recall when shooting upwell structures
You could also probably improve the actual sentry drones a bit this way, giving them maybe 10 m/s base velocity or something, so that they can actually get back to ship by themselves eventually, when you somehow ended up outside scoop range without noticing.
Suggestion: Distinguish between destination and waypoints in Assets
Keywords: ui, route, assets
Currently, any station that is in a system on our route is highlighted yellow in the Assets window (and other places, such as Market Details.) The destination system should be green, or another color.
Suggestion: Ability to see in the Structure Browser the base reprocessing % of a structure with reprocessing service
Keywords: refinery, reprocessing, structure browser
Note: Useful so not to have to dock in each refinery to check it
Base reprocessing percent that comes from structure native bonus and T1 or T2 rig for that has a huge impact on mineral yield from ore, because of this base and all the reprocessing skills getting multiplied by each other. With max skills the base % alone gets about doubled as part of the end result while in HS, which is key to stay competitive on the market with the minerals or ships made from them.
However in a new place or after a break from Eve, I have to fly to each refinery in a travel frigate with 1 unit of compressed ore, because there is no other efficient way to check it for sure, structure names are often misleading.
edit of edit: SISI has collapse button at this time but it’s not a general one, every tree needs to be collapsed anyway, this doesn’t fix the issue
Suggestion: A button to collapse all expanded item lists in the market and ship fitting windows
Keywords: collapsible, item lists, market, fitting window
Note: Useful to manage those windows when checking many things
The more stuff is checked, especially in market window, the more item lists expand, and each has to be collapsed manually with a mouse. Keep them expanded and it gets to too much scrolling and window as a whole becomes hard to read. It also is carried on to some 3rd party tools like Pyfa and in Pyfa case the developer can’t do anything about it on his end if it isn’t changed in game.
Suggestion: Don’t require fleet finder ad updates
Keywords: ui, fleet
It’s very frustrating to keep reposting fleet finder ads - at least let it stay open to our corp
Suggestion: Allow the removal or addition of skills in the Apply Skill Points menu, similar to how you can remove and add skills in the Queue.
Keywords: UI, skill queue, skill menu, apply skill points
Notes: I have some free SP that I want to apply to certain skills only. I do not want to rearrange the skill queue or remove skills from it just so that I can apply the SP in that sub menu accordingly. I also do not want to right click every single skill I want to give SP to apply an individual amount of SP repeatedly.
Suggestion: Color the Fleet Commander chat messages
Keywords: chat, fleet
Note: Easier to distinguish Fleet Commander messages from the other fleet members
Optionally the color could be selected and set in the fleet options and maybe even be stored in the fleet setups. It could become another small tool in the belt of the fleet to improve communication.
Suggestion: Add default corp roles
Keywords: corps
We shouldn’t have to apply a title to every new member to give them a set of roles
Suggestion: Rotating reticules for current target and focus selection in Overview.
Keywords: UI, Overview, Targeting
In the heat of battle or quick manoeuvring it’s not always easy to keep track of what your current focus is and you can easily click an order for something only to realise that it has executed it against an unintended object. What I suggest is a UI change so that your current focus selection and combat target both have the rotating reticules around them in the Overview, also slightly distinguishing them from each other by perhaps making the combat target reticule red for example. When your focus selection matches your combat target these two reticules could perhaps combine into a single red/white reticule in the overview.
Suggestion: Ability to magnet size of an inventory window
Keywords: ui, window size
Note: Easier window width scale depending on amount of “columns” of items u need
I want to talk about inventory windows
Ship hangar
Item hangar -
Station window
Players do variety of things in EVE, but we all spend plenty of time moving items from one place to another,
and being efficient with window size and placement to create some kind of a standards for them selves.
Good example of a standard comes from “Compact mode” from a any dedicated window
<= It feet exactly 1 column of items That’s great
And it has reserved place for a scroll,which works good creating extra free space for manually selecting 2 or more items (consuming 2 boosters etc.) if you fit all of the contained items in window.
And here comes the Ship\Item hangar windows.
For example, for me its comfortable to have 3 columns of items when i want to quickly check “Do i have all of the stuff i need or not” etc. (simple things).
in some cases we all need to open it wide CTRL+Click items we need and move them somewhere, and it so uncomfortable to change it back to “normal” size.
Just to mention
Using other ways to see things is not an option because amount of Given information per square pixel is to dam low.
Same issue with ships\items in station window its more a problem of a window it self
because that’s minimum width size of it feels a strange:
Thanks for reading. fly safe o7
Suggestion: Minimize inventory windows when taking control of a structure
Keywords: ui, structures
Note: Just like undocking
Suggestion: Default chat window settings
Keywords: ui, chat
Note: Default input area size, font size, (compact) member list, etc
Suggestion: Exporting fleet setups
Keywords: fleets, logs, third-party
Note: Allow us to share fleet setups with others out of game
Suggestion: Ability to sort Loot History
Keywords: ui, fleets, loot
Note: I’d love to be able to sort by pilot or item
Suggestion: Auto-save overviews
Keywords: ui, overview
Note: Not having to export an overview on every change would be nice
Not sure if this has been posted before, but here’s my ‘little things’ issue which has been bugging me for years. I dock my system map (F9) to the left edge of the screen, and have it open almost half the time, and certainly 100% of the time if I’m playing as a hunter or scanner. I also use the vertical target layout (so locked targets appear beneath one another), with the first column of targets being right next to my overview on the right side of the screen.
When I open the system map, certain UI elements which are aligned with the left border of my screen get conveniently moved to the right, to prevent blocking the system map. This works very well. However, one of those UI elements is the ‘locked targets’ area, which causes the first column to be moved behind my overview. That means that half the time, the fight is just starting, I have to spend valuable seconds moving UI elements around to even uncover the targeting column, then moving that column back to where it was before.
Please make it so opening the system map doesn’t move the locked targets UI element, please please pretty please thank you so much and have a nice day.
edit: to clarify, this is my UI layout:
this is what I get if I lock something while having the system map open:
not that in order to fix this, I have to first move the ‘Selected Item’ element, in order to grab the little crosshair that moves targets around, move it back to where it was, then move the ‘Selected Item’ element back where it was.
Suggestion: Separate damage and repair feedback
Keywords: UI
Note: If you are receiving & inflicting damage at the same time as transferring & receiving reps the stacked messages are an unreadable mess.