🦜 Loggerhead BPC SOLD!

If you missed your chance at a loggerhead, WTS - Loggerhead [SOLD], or you would like to have a loggo in your WH, i have a loggo boi in Jita 4-4 ready to be sold!
image Loggerhead BPC-50b or swap with blue/green fort or any lowsec titan

Will add 10b to swap with a hydra

Please post any offers on this thread, i don’t log in on this account often

Why do you say it’s the best wormhole fax?

you keep saying price reduced but the top post is still at 50b?

I’m reducing by 0.01 isk every time


my previous offer of fort -10bil stands

can I play with your loggerhead on sisi, my offer is 10m isk <3

2bil as you lied about the Moracha

PI farmer1 <-- Confirmed contract Scammer , be warned

Be careful when dealing with him, I seen people already bought the fake golem courier he had up as well as others.

and also Welcome to the Dark Side bro :):sunglasses:

isn’t there not some kind of ironie in the air with you saying that Serenity :slight_smile:

No honor among thieves.

As someone who has never done a courier contract, and hopes to never do one lol, what’s the scam here?

One isn’t sure about whether outright lying about what’s for sale is permitted in this forum. Plus there’s a heavy suggestion of scamming. Reported just to bring it to the attention of a moderator. Otherwise, enjoy the free post.

lol… baited… dammed

Free brain cells… limit: 2

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Contract to me

Contract up!

Thanks babe

Transaction did not go through, still for sale

Didn’t see that coming.

Something something someones mother ?