Long time player looking for an active corp

Hey @Zerodragoon

If you’ve ever considered lowsec you should definitely consider our corp Filthy Peasants.

We’re a US TZ lowsec pvp corp that lives in the Placid and Solitude regions. We’re an established group with lots of vets and great FCs that work hard to deliver us content. We also do a lot of small gang roams, camps, kitchen sink fleets, and blops stuff. While our main focus is pvp we also have a large industrial base built up over the years such as high value moons, capital ship construction, and various other enterprises.

I think we’re one of the last true independent medium sized pvp alliances. We also cater to a playstyle that doesn’t require you to log in every day as we mostly base out of lowsec or npc 0.0 stations. However I can guarantee there is always people on doing something to be apart of.

If you’re interested come check out our public channel Open Filth in game and our forum post linked below.

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