Looking for a null-sec system to rent

Don’t have a preference on region as long as it’s relatively quiet. Feel free to send me in-game mails :slight_smile:

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bump :no_mouth:

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The initiative rent systems

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Why rent? Could join a Corp/alliance based in null. More sercuity??

As it happens… https://discord.gg/ZHz8QG join for chat, Corp based in null, which Sade space for ratting/mining, having people on back up and stand by whilst pve is happening.
Then to tickle your boots on a Saturday evening, plenty of pvp content too.

Join the above discord for a chat if my words float your boat

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If you would rather own than rent, and able to embrace Not Red Don’t Shoot as a philosophy, consider this joining this Alliance.


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it seems no systems are available atm in the initiative rental space

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thank you for the information

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