You seem to have a solid idea what you’re looking for, and honestly… it sound like we may be right up your alley. My pitch to you is quite simple if you’re looking for a home consider a growing Corp like ours or many others who really could use established experience to build up and move forward.
You can absolutely go into 0.0 and make a ton of money with any of the Giant mega coalitions, but having done that myself for a number of years I can tell you that what I’m doing right now has me absolutely hooked on Eve again and that’s after playing since 2003. My suggestion is that you really give smaller gang life a shot doesn’t have to be with me but I can’t encourage you enough to try it out.
My Corporation, the Ronin Wind it’s not super established we are literally just starting out with only about 10 or so players, we have people ranging from long-term C5 wormhole veterans to Fresh Off of mission running never PVP before greenhorns. Our aim is to be a small gang Force that lives in Wormhole space and engages in good fights with other Wormhole groups but who constantly looks to raid outside into losec and null via out connecting holes.
I’m a five-year veteran FC for Spectre Fleet, and as such we highly promote the various public fleets to help train our folks and keep them occupied during the slow times when not many Pilots are on. We’re very talkative and you can easily while away hours not logged in on game in our Discord chat. Our time zone runs from late Euro all the way up till Australian time zone with the majority of us being US based players.
We engage in Black Ops, Wormhole hunting, small gang piracy and large Fleet engagements by teaming up with others in Spectre Fleet. We have a long-term goal of picking up about 30 players and offering our skills two people as Mercenaries. Whether that be in the form of locking down systems with gate camps so that our clients can safely set up a citadel, escorting a freighter several jumps, protecting a node for a client trying to maintain their sovereignty, or simply being paid to harass an area and make it difficult for targets to go about their daily business on behalf of a client.
We have room for basic industry if that’s something you guys are looking for, and as with any Wormhole group there are plenty of opportunities to make isk.
The truth is you’ll make better money easier in other places, but I honestly don’t believe you’ll have as much fun. Small, active, growing corporations give players a unique opportunity that you won’t find in the supergroups. We may not fly Titans, but you’ll have a chance to actually be someone as opposed to a number. Small groups like this form tight-knit communities and allow you to tell your own story.
There is a sizable difference between reminiscing between yourselves about that one Fleet you went on and you pressed F1 just like everyone else, as opposed to a small gang roam that you went on last night through a wormhole chain that you scanned and happened to find a trio of battle Cruisers. Where you made the difference and got everyone together and provided that Warp in on top of the targets, where your heart was racing because you weren’t certain you’d be able to tackle every one of them. Were you are talked about for the next few days in the Corp chatter.
Those same experiences can happen in the big groups don’t let me dissuade you or lie to you, but they will happen far more often when you are an axle rather than a cog in the machine.
I have been playing for a long time and my opinion is that you’re never too jaded to learn something new. I started this group about 2 weeks ago or so and we’ve already done some amazing things as a small team. Having another pilot who’s hungry for combat fun with us would fit right in with what feels more like a family. You don’t have to really commit very much to get started, a scanning ship, a PVE ship, a PVP ship and maybe a destroyer with some salvagers on it.
There’s absolutely a place for you in wormhole gameplay and I dare say it’s some of the most satisfying, cerebral PVP you’ll run across. Take a look at our Reddit post, come talk to us on our Discord and gauge our activity. We’d love to have you visit.
And if you don’t choose us, or it’s not for you I just want to leave you with this extra bit of advice. A corporation will make or break how you feel the game affects you. A good active Corp where people are constantly chatting at each other and you’re going out on roams together, or you’re just shooting the ■■■■ on Discord while you’re all at work making plans for the night will not just keep you logging in, it will reaffirm your decision to consider this game a hobby. You won’t feel like you’re wasting time, because it’s time well spent. You get the log off at the end of an hour or so maybe longer if you’ve got the time and want to do it all again. If you find yourself picking a Corp and it’s not working out, don’t let it choke you from enjoying this amazing game.
Fly dangerous