Hello, been playing eve since 2010. Played daily for 8 years, last 3 years have been on and off again. Prefer pvp, solo/small gang to mid size fleets.
Looking for a laid back mature group who understand the demands of real life. I am always on call (manage apartments) and could be called away on a moments notice.
What I can offer, experiance and willingness to join/provide useful help in home defense fleets. PVE alts to help maintain local sov. Experience in leading small to mid size fleets, experiance in fighting outnumbered.
My attendance to larger longer fleets will be hit and miss. But willing to do what I can.
We are a US/AU with some EU corporation, we operate in low-sec system and some npc null,
if you are interested for more information feel free to say hi in our recruitment channel on discord