Looking for USTZ PVP Corporation

Dear Maxamus Rex,

I messaged you in game, but here is a lil blurb here too. I think you may be interested in our corp JREX. We are a small gang to large fleet PvP and industrial orientated Corp that has lots of content right out of our door. We are active from 1700-0630 eve time with players ranging from EUSTZ to USTZ.

We are founders of our alliance called Sedition. and are members of FI.RE coalition. We have lots of good fights and great content happening every day to from blops to roams to Gate camps. You would be able to do small gang and some other blops fleets if you’re interested.

I have attached our recruitment thread below which has our discord so you reach us. We also have a public channel called Jerkasaurus WRECKS for all recruitment!

Recruitment link: Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc [JREX] Null-Sec Corp is Recruiting (USTZ/EUSTZ)
discord: https://discord.gg/2jy6YfCC9q

Based on your interests we would be a great fit for you. We use lokis as our primary blops doctrine and pvp doctrine. We use blops (preferred armor, but if you are Widow dude that’s fine).

Let me know what you think.
