Looking for very active PVP corp? Thundercats HOOO!

Sorry. Recruitment closed for a while.

BIG WAR IS COMING! Please come back after the dust settles :grinning:

Still closed, but we wish everyone a lot of fun in the upcoming War!

Damn. Still War not over. See you afterwards!

OK If you are bittervet summoned by the Horn of Goondor, swing by for chat.

1 sheep returned to the fold :slight_smile: Any more bittervets out there?

None bittervets are also welcome to swing by for chat!

Have a nice weekend everyone :smile:

Always fighting outnumbered but never outgunned :smiley:

Keeping this thread alive :stuck_out_tongue:

Time for some fresh blood.

Are you fresh and looking for blood? :stuck_out_tongue:

Swing by Thunderkitty channel.

1 more kitten joined the litter. Want to join him? Cya in Thunderkitty channel this weekend.

Join us to hunt wabbits over Easter :stuck_out_tongue:

Looking for new family? Check us out!

Join us for the Summer and sip some Kool-Aid on the beach with us :sunglasses:

Recruitment closed. Sorry pubbies :stuck_out_tongue:

Still closed for pubbies. Returning players always welcome.

Now the dust has settled, limited recruiting again.

Wanna fly with the best FCs of Eve?

Looking for chill bunch to call your home?

Swing by Thunderkitty channel for a chat.

Monthly bump :stuck_out_tongue:

Early Holidays bump :stuck_out_tongue: