Looking for very active PVP corp? Thundercats HOOO!

Happy Holidays :partying_face: Visit us in Thunderkitten channel if you ready to kill the in-laws :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy New Year!

We got room for a few more cats.

Wanna become a fat cat? Join Thundercats! See you in Thunderkitten channel.

Looking for a stable home with lots of PvP and PvE opportunities with the best FCs in the game?

Come visit us in Thunderkitten channel!

Looking for a stable home with lots of PvP and PvE opportunities with the best FCs in the game? (temporary lowered SP requirement)

Come visit us in Thunderkitten channel!


It’s the weekend! Pew pew time. Wanna join?

hi HOO still Recouting join Thundekitty chanel in EVE

Sorry, recruitment closed. We out clubbing pubbies :slight_smile:

Don’t forget to apply sunscreen!

Limited spots available. Swing by Thunderkitten for chat!

Weekend bump :facepunch:

Returning after a 2 year hiatus, please contact my alt. claire -37f ingame via mail or chat as I am currently undocked in a carrier. Thanks! 07

Welcome back!

Enjoying free week of Eve. Want more? Swing by Thunderkitty channel!

Looking for new home? Swing by Thunderkitty channel!

Looking for a new litter box? Swing by Thunderkitty channel for a chat!

Come join the Holidays with us! :partying_face:

Come join us and murder stuff in good old Xmas spirit :stuck_out_tongue:

On behalve of Thundercats we wish everybody a happy New Year :partying_face:

May the pew be with you!

Are you ready for the next step in your Eve career? Join us for chat in Thunderkitty channel!