[Low Sec] Order of the Shadow [The Revenant Order]

We’re still looking for good people and corporations.

Send me a mail.

Still recruiting.

Anyone interested in a low sec home, either combat or industrial, send me a mail.

We are also still looking for corporations.

We’re still seeking cutthroats, cloaky bastards, ■■■■ talkers, ass kickers.

Military/Vet friendly.

Combat or industrial welcome.

Alpha/Newbro Friendly

Convo me in game, send me a mail, or join our in-game public channel, TRO Pub

Are you a combat or industrial pilot looking to find your place in New Eden?

Send me a mail or join TRO Pub

We need more houligans, ruffians, bastards and trigger-pullers.

Now with 100% more shenanigans and debauchery.

Come for the beer, stay for the carnage.

Looking for both newbros and veteran pilots for either industry or combat.

Join our in game channel TRO Pub or mail me in game.

:point_up_2: :eyes: :point_up_2:

Come join our channel TRO Pub and chat with a recruiter today!


You looking for a home? We’re looking for you!

Join our in-game channel TRO Pub or mail me in game.

It’s free beer Friday.

Join our in-game channel TRO Pub and come chat with a recruiter today or send me a mail.

Do you have questionable morals and homicidal tendencies?

Come be one of the inmates in the asylum. We want you!

It’s Taco Tuesday!

…just don’t ask where the meat came from.

Join our in-game channel: TRO Pub

Or send me a mail.

Do you enjoy collecting corpses?

Come join us and we can expand our collections together.

Still recruiting.

We’re still recruiting!

The beer is free, and cold.

Bring your own liquor, smokes and pharmaceuticals.

If you’re in the market for a corp to pew, build or hang out with, send me a message in game.

We’re still looking for pilots!

We are still recruiting!

You looking for a home?

Convo or mail me in-game.