Market spreadsheet Fixed Thanks to Ivan Ventus

Question, Im just coming back to Eve and Eve Central is down. I need some help finding a new Api to pull from for the google doc spreadsheet that i am using. Looking for someone with real experience creating and modding of eve buy back spreadsheets, and production spreadsheets.

Please eve mail me or contact me ingame. I have TS, Skype, Discord too. For the person that helps me fix this API issue and help to answer a few other questions about it i will pay 3b. Thank you and fly safe.

If you find someone that helps you - let me know!

will do :stuck_out_tongue:

Done and done. Glad I could be of help. I sent you a mail in game too @Bear_Templar so let me know if you need a hand too.

Helped me with all the questions and fixed my spread sheet. Works great THank you! anyone that needs help with one please contact Ivan Ventus!!!

Hey man. I’m getting back into the game after some years and a lot has changed. Would like to see all available BP’s for manufacturing. Could you perhaps point me in the right direction?

I’d be more than happy to man, just shoot me a mail in game. :slight_smile:

Ivan Ventus is who you want to contact!

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