Mercenaries - A good idea?

The best way to get people to stick around is to have them engage with other players. Hiring a mercenary and restricting it to only people not in a corporation is a good way to do the opposite.

I didnt see a ‘new player only’ clause in the huge long list or rules that go along with this idea?

So how does this work, do these mercs only work for capsuleers who are less than a month old?

Its weird you would claim this tho, seeing as any new player would have problems paying for these…

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So basically the idea that I came up with comes directly from the situation that new players find themselves in when venturing beyond highsec, mostly along the borders of lowsec, and when situations with gankers occur.

As well as new players, this system is also to help solo players have the opportunity to benefit from increased defences that would otherwise be available to players through teaming up with one another.

I’ve addressed this in previous posts several times.

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