Builds for Budget Bodyguards

Let’s say that I’m an impromptu bodyguard. My client could’ve gone for someone more expensive, but for some reason I’m all they’ve got.

My client explores and mines everywhere, and trouble often comes in the form of small gank squads with webifiers and capacitor drains. My client’s skill issues (and general judgement) aside, and knowing that I don’t need to do the mining or exploring myself, what are some ideal options for running anti-gank on my client’s behalf, and why?

A drone boat for swarming targets, kept elsewhere in the system for quick rescue?
A covert ops ship designed to end combat quickly?
E-war to shut them down so my client has more time to escape?

Ganks typically take less than 15 seconds. Maybe something that offers an assault damage control?

Less than 15 means useless cap warfare. I don’t think this is it.

@OP we need to know if you work in HS, LS etc.

in HS you need to rep your client until concord lands in (did that already, works like a charm. Use overheated ancil remote reps, be sure your client has sufficient tank so that it does not die between rep cycles. Need to phase them).
in LS you need a fleet to help shoot the titan that will be brought on your venture.


Good one, lol.

A Griffin with ECM jams to stop the baddies from holding your client would be a fast and efficient way to let your client escape. Generally only a few of the ships can hold tackle, identify those and jam them to allow your client’s warp drive to function again.

You could also scout ahead in such a cheap agile ship.

Kitsune if you want to spend a little more.

As an alternative that requires more funds and skills, you could watch over your client while cloaked to not give away your intention and use the same strategy in an ECM jam fit CovOps Falcon. If someone does tackle your client you can decloak and jam them all.


That sounds like promising advice. I’ll skill up some e-war and try it out. Thanks!

You should talk to @Githany_Red, the infamous anti ganker.

Oh wait, she quit out of boredom when she realised that anti ganking is as much fun as watching paint dry and has as much impact as a fly hitting a windscreen.

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I haven’t played in a while, but unless bump
Mechanics are changed, they’re ok for this.

Get a battleship mwd on a stabber and just bump them out of the cloud.

A 20k punt should clear them.

Though, I doubt they’ll see a gank land if there’s a bump stabber on scene. Bumping isn’t lost on those guys.

Why use a macherael when you can just use a stabber

That’s a super interesting suggestion, though much more expensive, no? It’d need to be able to tank the gankers long enough or else it still comes out to a substantial loss, yeah?

“You know who you should talk to? This other person who used to do the same thing for completely different reasons who’s a big stinky loser!” comes off as a bit of a rent-free arrangement…