[MERCS] BLACKFLAG and VMG. - Mercenary Services [ BLACKFLAG.] [VMG]

Must be rubbing off from Mr. Kane. I just came here to drop a 5 star review of the excellent service we’ve received and I’m hit with personal attacks.

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Thanks for the shiny KM’s, and the good times. We at SLOW salute you. o7

Is this a salty ganker from Hek , Black flag hogging all the salt again. We want some

I mean, their Alliance tag is S4LTY. So, their saltiness is understandable. But, no. They are just your routine war dec corp. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

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The sauce is weak with BLACKFLAG. They cannot even fight SLOW solo. They MUST resort to bringing in help. Which is funny, considering the nature of this thread. SLOW is a small, relatively new alliance. Apparently too much for the likes of BLACKFLAG. See the war reports between SLOW and BLACKFLAG for details. We are recruiting at SLOW. If you enjoy slapping bullies, or need a war assist against the likes of BLACKFLAG, reach out to us. We will do it for the fun, because that is what we are here for…

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Congratulations to Wrecking Machine… I mean, Blackflag.

They managed to get the job done.

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So, you guys already have more people than Blackflag. and you still get dunked by them?

Idk but doesn’t that speak for the skill Blackflag. brings to the table?

It’s true! Much of SLOW is just fresh battle alts of miners who BLACKFLAG wardec’d. The hardened military corps of BLACKFLAG, calling in in allies from Wrecking Machine and Pain and Compliance, used a fleet of top-of-the-line warships, along with years of experience, discipline, and know-how, to finally stamp out the menace of a herd of cats defending a refinery in T1 catalysts and tornados. A glorious victory indeed, and I salute them.


Players active would be the accurate way to make your point. Go pull that data, and please get back to us. Zkill tells it true… Oh, and we never logout trapped anyone. Just to set the record straight.

In all seriousness, we at SLOW respect Blackflag as experts in their craft. We are just at opposite ends of the spectrum of the same thing. We fly cheap, and like facing odds outside our favor. You guys fly expensive, and seek assured victory. We both like to make glorious explosions in space. Respect.

Solo, I am not from Blackflag. nor do I fly expensive ships.

Yet you reached for excuses on their behalf? Are you some sort of BF apologist, or just bumping gums? You didn’t want to touch the zkill stats on active players in each alliance, so I take that as acceptance that your point above was invalid. We had roughly 40 characters in the fight. BF had about the same. They called in Wrecking Machine for backup, even though P&C was there to help them already. See the battle report: Battle Report Tool

Check. Mate.

I respect your view on these events. However I do feel it important to clarify that what you classify as “battle alts” is for the very large part not in fact alts. But those industrialists themselves stepping up. They in turn got exposed to a different kind of content in eve that they have been shadowing themselves from for far to long. The loss of a structure is insignificant even to the owners of it when weighed against eachother. Naturally this might not be the case of every industrialist in New eden.


But those in slow with the big mouths are now going to cause me to go after those indies peoples out of alliance structures and others I learned about with my alts in various slow corps.

See, and there’s another indicator. Won’t make a move w/o spies to help ensure your victory. Weak sauce, proven by your own admission. We didn’t ask for war with you. Don’t start none, won’t be none. If you want more red on your KB, keep it up. You want to come bash SLOW structures, do it on your own. Or show out what I have stated above. Bring 150 characters to fight 42, and then act like your are elite? Laughable man… Zkill doesn’t lie, but you do.

that is your prerogative to do, to me this sounds much more towards fear mongering rather then an threat. keeping miners scared and holding back. which serves the cause more then the killing being done.

“God Emperor Kane” Pretentious much?


So what? You and yours are the only ones that is talking shyte constantly. We did not say anything to you and did not care. Yet here you are, posting everywhere, and you wonder why so many groups are now going after you.

Spoiler alert it is you…

We have been at war with C/P multiple times, you at war with them because of your mouths. It is really that simple. And we will continue this because of you, because you keep running your mouth.

So I am going to ask nicely. Please stop shitting up this thread with your endless crying of unfair… they use alts/spies/friends or what ever.

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Just speaking the truth. And nothing stings quite like the truth, which is why y’all are butt hurt over it. You can drop the war, and I will delete every post I have made. Keep it going? I will continue to post every KM we get. This beef has nothing to do with WM or P&C. Smack talk to BF effects them how? Y’all cousins or something?

i fail to recognize any of us claiming its “unfair” that espionage and friends are used in the war. personally i am of the opinion that you could say its a “nasty” thing to do. but have long accepted its just another aspect of eve. however much it might be a stain on those performing it.