[MERCS] BLACKFLAG and VMG. - Mercenary Services [ BLACKFLAG.] [VMG]

Thanks for the free bump Saegar.

Hire BLACKFLAG. No job too small, no fee too big!

Still here to pew for pay! Contact us for summer discounts.

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Hi there, how many members do you have and how much is your protection services costs?

How much do you all charge?


Maybe reach out to us in game?

Emil Sebastian
Natural CloneKiller

I am the most active BlackFlag member on the forums. You can even reach out to me if you like and I will put you in contact with the guys.

I did. Lol :laughing:
I will reach out to you next if I don’t hear from you all. I messaged Natural Clonekiller & KHROMius

I have a job for you guys.

ok , i did.

According to my EVE mail you did not.

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Mail me directly to discuss if you are still in need of our services.

Morning, how much to protect a structure in high sec caldari space, only need limited protection against large war dec groups,

location and timers can be up to you.

Btw asking for a friend, mail me in game for any more info you need

I’ll mail you in game

So how does one join Black Flag? I’m getting bored of being nice, I want to smash some things.

Basically 3 things,

  1. Have a crap load of isk to be able to use our doctrines

  2. Have a logi alt

  3. Pass the interview with our dear leader Emil

P S if your a cat person that’s a plus lol

I need to protect a war decked Raitaru in HS. Who am I speaking to?

Lets fire this up…

Referring to the recruitment post and the 3 questions

1 - Define crap load of isk? If you’re talking 3b or so for a ship then that’s fine. But 30b is a bit of a stretch
2 - Cruiser logi is ok? Or must it be nestor? I have cruiser logi V (Oneiros, Basilisk, Scimitar)
3 -

I love my kitties! This one sleeps on my radiator and watches me play. Her name is Percy (short for Perseus) and she told me I need to make humans cry by bashing their stations. So here we are.

Happy to set up a time to chat on comms about your interest in BF. Send me an in game mail. To answer your questions, you’d probably need to spend more than 3b but much less than 30b to get set up across multiple ship types. And we prefer cruiser logi, actually :slight_smile:

Thank you for paying the cat tax. Our discord is full of cat pics. Cats rule, dogs drool.

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