[MERCS] BLACKFLAG and VMG. - Mercenary Services [ BLACKFLAG.] [VMG]

Kane is honorable, and is the only light in blackflag.

I have to say it’s funny your being dunk by anyone in highsec now a days huh clonebot, guess that trig event made you weaker.

I do enjoy watching khromdome make a fool of himself in local chat.

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UWU is a friend of the New Order, may the GOD-EMPEROR JAMES 315 smote all who would do them harm.

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I am eternally grateful to you for having shown such magnanimous grace toward such a lowly being as myself. You have my word that your generosity will not soon be forgotten.


Dear Magalaus, I thank you for your vote of confidence in this, our darkest of days. It means the world to me to have such friends in CODE.

Praise Aiko!

Not going to lie THIS part made me laugh, but the rest of it… you’re trying too hard m8


OMG these losers who need 10-1 odds to onsider attacking still play? Keyboard commandos playing a dead game…ouch. Living those glory days in mom’s basement? It’s the truth…blocking the comment means you hate the truth.
You’re all so salty like pee and are sources of laughter and no, ask what oif yours i killed kids…NASCAR says this game sucks nads now… you are it’s legacy…favoured lingerie?

I miss the old you when you were still able to post under that “other name”. Also miss your trolling of the Amarr undock with all your alts.

You should have called this char Pot… and I would have created one called Kettle so I could keep replying to your posts “Pot meet Kettle…”

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stats tell the true story…Lying to yourself sucks. Someone gave me 30 billion isk in this “amarr” you speak of…NIce jump start.
Your kettle and it’s contents smell funny. Like rotting fish and poop.

Like I said, I miss the old you.

With attacks like that I feel like you gave your account to your 15 year old kid. It has been to long… get with it man, you use to have much better quips that did not make you look like an adolescent.


30bill is always a nice bump to get going again. Majority of EVE players today don’t even know what that looks like in a wallet.

Back on Topic… People always said if you do not anger people in EVE for the game you play, you are doing something wrong.

You make a story in your mind…I suggest some psychiatric meds as you’re also making up stories in your small mind that bare based on your naivety ->that’s bad…
I’m not coming back girls…just wanted you to know I won eve.
Your assumptions are all based on wishful thinking and jealousy. You know it so I’m finished…close thread anytime. Plus this games sucks euro nerd-nads now…


HIRE BLACKFLAG. We love Salty tears.

You like bodily fluids? That’s gross. Any others worth mentioning? :rofl:

Hire Blackflag. We do your dirty work.

Hire us. We prefer a good fight. Show me the content please.

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We create Salt. Epic Salt. In fact 34 pages of Salt:

34 pages of losses of pure salty tears - haha.

It seems Khromius is hoarding Tormentors in a WH.

A special weird hobby for a special snowflake…

It made me laugh - Pure salty tears from whoever did it.

Yes me too :slight_smile:

“Khromius the man of the 1000 Tormentors”

This could be new meme.

How ever it took some time to shoot that stuff.