Meta Zero - C3 Wormhole PvP Corporation

Good dudes, give em a hollar

Still looking for some peeps

Come join in the fun!

Join our discord and come chat!

Taking one more dude for this recruitment session

Bumppp :slight_smile:

Willing to take another since members are leaving probation

Accepting two new members

Join us for some Blops goodness

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iSk PoSiTiVe as we learn to BLOPs as a unit.

Additionally, we were a part of a decent brawl last night. This is around the max sized SOV fleets that we turn out so people still keep a lot of that individuality. You’re not just a dude in fleet.



Finally the weekend!

BUMP. Come fly with the bois.

Bump, looking for two more bois

We are specifically looking for earlier USTZ dudes around this time of activity!

Join US!

Come filament and other junk with us!

Ya know ya wanna pewpew

Thanks simp