------Minmatar Death Squad Is now Recruiting join a great Active community EU/US TZ------

Founded in 2009, We have covered many aspects of what New Eden has to offer.

Based in Scaling Pass
We are part of DECOY Alliance. operating in Scalding pass / Insmother / Curse

We believe that EVE is your game and your journey, it is not for others to dictate how you should play EVE, or play EVE the way others think it should be played.
When you log in and you want to:
PVE isk printing
Lots to Mine
Explore date sites every where
PVP With FC’s small and large scale
Then feel free to do it.

However you want to play the game, it should be for you to decide.

As a corporation, all we are doing is creating those opportunities and offering help/boosts and advice along the way.


PVP: Small and Large gang. Gate camping, BLOPs…Null sec roams/Filaments.

Null Sec ratting / DED’s

Mining: ICE / / Null sec ORE. We have access to R64/R32 Sec moons.
Max Boosts/Compression.

Structures: Manufacturing / Reprocessing / invention and Research.

Customs Offices with Low Tax Rates. Free Command Centres.

90% Jita buyback program.

Active PROJECTS 90% Jita buyback program.

Join our in game chat channel MMDS to chat to our Recruiters.
OR contact Bladeburner
Discord Recruitment: MinmatarDeathSquad

MMDS KB strong text


Had a good laugh last night with friends in the Corp and Alliance,
ISK was made and ships where deleted.
cant ask for much more than that.

if you are looking to get into a well run corp and alliance, but a little bit unsure give us a try we don’t bite.
you’re have every thing here on your door step here.


Eve is better with friends.
Active fun corp.
Chilled players
Join our in game chat to say hi. MMDS

Great group of guys

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Lets see what the weekend brings.

Bump for an amazing group of players. o7

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Super fun weekend so far, Pve, pvp, mined and even built some stuff what more can you ask for.
We really do cover every thing here in MMDS come give us a try good group of guys.

If you want PVP and access to space to make money, come join us.

Monday madness

Back to the top we go.

monday madness lets goo

To the top we go.

Plenty going on, come join MMDS.
Kills to be had
Isk to be had
Fun times always
Mining and boost’s

what’s not to like good group of guys from newer players to vets

I’d just like to echo the fact that new/returning players, looking for a home in Null would be hard pressed to find a better bunch of people that reside in the EU/US timezones. We heave a very healthy mix of both US and Euro’s so everyone’s ‘prime-time’ can be catered to.
As stated above we dabble is all aspects of Eve and this is a prime opportunity to join a solid group of pilots with experts in every field of Eve life. New or old I guarauntee you will learn something new from these people, take it from someone who joined Eve within 3 days of it’s release.

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Bump for an amazing group of players


Happy BUMP Wednesday

Tippy Top We go

Isking Tuesdays

Come chat to us in game us.
MMDS in game chat channel

Happy new year folks plenty planned for 2025 come join the fun.