
You just need to watch better fights with better tacticians this game gets very complex once you know all the mechanics:

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Warping happens a lot for subcapitals.

Especially bomber fleets trying to aim their bombs at a cluster of enemy ships will be warping a lot to reposition, aim and save themselves.

Other subcapital fleets too will be warping if itā€™s in their best interest to do so, which is why interdictors play an important role to stop enemy fleets from getting away when youā€™re in a favourable position. A good dictor pilot can have a big impact on subcap fights.

Iā€™ll be sure to check it out as soon as I have time. Thank you so much!

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I see, but what I canā€™t understand is this, do you find my idea interesting? Yes you have made interesting arguments, which I agree with, but your arguments do not exclude my idea.

The goal of your idea seems to be to add a layer of complexity to combat, but EVE combat already has more than enough complexity in my opinion.

There are more than enough stats and interactions between ships already that can be changed to adjust game balance without the need for a second way to damage modules, or yet another means to slow down engines.

Your idea doesnā€™t seem to add anything new to EVE combat that isnā€™t already there. EWAR already exists and can target enemy modules, warp ability, ship speed and the likes.

I donā€™t think itā€™s making the game harder. Itā€™s adding new features and ideas. I assume that after this addition, battles will not depend on dps or alpha, but on tactics.

But players can today already target ā€œa shipā€™s maneuverability and speedā€ or their ability to use a warp drive.

Players today can already affect enemy sensors, affect weapons and other support systems.

The modules to do that are EWAR and already exist, as well as tactics to use this in combat.

I think this update may bring the following:

Players will be able to completely break engines and module. ( Which will not eliminate old mechanics, but add new ones )

And will increase the importance of logisticians. ( P.S. logisticians are important even now, and so even more important).

Yes, it looks interesting, but there are up to 10 people involved if Iā€™m not mistaken. The question of big battles remains the same for me.

Maybe in an uncontested structure bashes or wormhole brawls.

In most PvP fights, sub-capitals move constantly. Iā€™d recommend joining some NPSI (Not Purple Shoot It) groups when you can. Itā€™s experienced best firsthand.
You can find some public fleets here:

Unfortunately the videos I watched, I didnā€™t see that. I saw in the videos that dreads, titans, karas create different groups ( which looks weird ) and just shoot. Do you have any examples that show otherwise? I would really like to see them.


Youā€™re basing your complaint off videos? :astonished:

Seriously? Videos? :exploding_head:

Do you even know what Time Dilation (tidi) is? And youā€™re judging the speed of fleet warfare based on videos?

How do I request a thread be closed because of sheer inexperience and lack of knowledge on the subject?

Videos. :facepalm:

Not only by video, but also by stories and advice from friends. Communicating with other players gave me a new understanding and mechanics.

:clap: GO! :clap: FLY! :clap: IN! :clap: A! :clap: REAL! :clap: FLEET! :clap:

Stop making suggestions about a system you know nothing about and go get some experience. All the big blocs have a newbie alliance, pick one and join.

Until you do, not one single person is going to take you seriously, because you wonā€™t be able to make serious suggestions.

For example, you think fleets are slow and static, but obviously donā€™t understand the mechanic that SLOWS TIME DOWN SO THE SERVER CAN KEEP UP WITH THE COMMANDS COMING FROM THE FLEET. Literally called Time Dilation, and can make a 20 minute fight last 7 hours. Ususally kicks in when you got a couple hundred people fighting and gets worse the more people involved.

Reading through the thread your main objective seems to be able to reduce opponents mobility during battles, but its difficult to see how it would be useful.

The majority of the large battles happen in null so an entire fleet can be instantly slowed down and prevented from warping by dictors and it only takes a few to pin down a fleet.

In comparison, immobilizing ships by shooting them takes dps away from destroying them which means you then have to be able to cope with the incoming dps, rather than reducing it by destroying them, thereā€™s just no good argument for stopping enemies instead of killing them, thereā€™s no benefit to them being stationary first when the objective in most large fleet battles is to kill the target in 1/2 volleys.

(and the videos you watched with dreads not moving would be normal, they canā€™t move in siege, and neither can faxes in triage, or carriers/supers when their nsa is on).

Yea, capitals are slow. Thatā€™s kind of their thing. Intended by design. Makes them different than the smaller ships.

Here is a fight between sub-capital fleets:

Itā€™s rather easy to understand because you only see the FCā€™s perspective, no multiboxing.

And here you can find some other mid-scale fights:


I know about this system.

From being told, or reading it.

Experience EVE while playing it is much different than reading about it. Go fly!

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