
That’s just weird. It’s always about destroying all the ships. It was interesting to be able to not only destroy, but to do that ships could not do anything, for example, destroy all the modules and all the ship is just iron. And there would be a choice:
Wait for the logisticians to arrive or self-destruct.

So. I see your idea here, and while I think there is NO WAY servers would be able to handle something like this, the idea to me seems like it would be overwhelming. Current battles have many different mechanics right now as it stands. I do not think Eve is a game that would benefit from the type of stuff you are talking about. The battles already have quite a bit of different mechanics that are able to engaged/used. I will include a link for you so you can check them out yourself. Eve Online Combat Mechanics: Combat Mechanics | EVE Academy | EVE Online

According to your own words, you have obviously not experienced much in the way of combat in Eve, whether that be PVE or PVP. That’s fine, but if you had, you might find it to be plenty complicated already… some find it overwhelming as it is… so there is that.

To me, it kind of seems like you are saying something along the lines of this:

“Hey! Eve could really use more intense and tactical fights! Soooo… let’s play Diablo 4, and build up the best character we can, but also - let’s add the abilities in SIMS games into the mix as well. Not only can the battles tear the houses (in this case ships) down, but they can break the couch that your characters normally sit on too! On top of that - SOULS games and those battle mechanics would be cool too, especially for new players! (Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight) - Also, let’s make your ship randomly break down if you happen to forget to water your chia pet (engine, transmission, WHATEVER) - or decrease your combat statistics/abilities if you accidentally forget to wash your windshield before going over and completing your pre-flight take-off checklist PRIOR to getting ready to undock and leave the station! But wait, has your character drank or eaten anything, or taken a walk and had the necessary amount of exercise before all of that? Well, easy fix! Better purchase one of the 1,500 different pieces of exercise equipment and make it happen! No problemo! Let’s throw that in too! Now that all those really simple things (†cough†) taken care of, lets add that to the game! Eve would benefit with these types of systems as well! TOTALLY!”

Umm. Sweet…? I’m not trying to be a negative Nancy (sorry Nancy’s, but yah) Maybe it’s just me, but I’d bet others think along these lines as well. IDK - I could be over talkative / typative? today. Hehe

IDK about you sir/ma’am. Might want to game it up a bit more and try all the combat mechanics in Eve, then maybe you’ll rethink this.

In the end, I highly doubt servers in Eve could withstand this type of punishment with what Eve has to offer and/or deal with right now. AGAIN - I may be horribly wrong. but I doubt it.

OH - be sure and drink water and eat IRL, sucks being hospitalized for crap like that!
:v: :heart: :yin_yang:

In fleet fights the logi is generally with the fleet so there it isn’t really a case of waiting for them to arrive, but it would always be preferable to destroy enemy ships rather than leaving them in a position where they could be repaired and used against you again, because at the very least it weakens the enemy for the time it takes them to reship, which can be significant in 10% tidi.

What if the logs were damaged/destroyed in the same way?

If logi is destroyed, the fleet will start bleeding ships and die if it doesn’t get away or kill the other fleet first.

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Its a good point and the logi (or boosters) are quite often the first targets of enemy fleets because of this.

The normal strategy with logi is to try and have your fleet between you and the enemy so that if possible you’re out of range of their guns, but in range to rep your fleet, naturally it doesn’t always work out because things can change quickly, as Gerard mentioned once the logi start to die it can mean the loss of the fleet, especially if its bubbled or otherwise can’t escape.

If you’re interested I would recommend having a go at fleet fights, even if you don’t want to join anyone there’s a few groups that do NPSI (not purple shoot it) where people can just go along and join fleets, there’s also bombers bar which does similar public fleets but with bombers, nomally dropping on peoples expensive ships.

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yes and those 10 take on many more people which means it isn’t just n+1, and any tactic can be scaled.

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