Multiple BPO's for sale


Message me in game or send an eve mail if you have an interest in any of the following (all located at Jita 4-4):

2500mm steel plates BPO x 4 ME0 TE0
megathron BPO ME10 TE18
structure acceleration coils BPO ME10 TE18
structure acceleration coils BPO ME9 TE18
structure advertisement nexus BPO x 4 ME10 TE18
structure advertisement nexus BPO ME8 TE16
structure docking bay BPO x 3 ME10 ME18
structure electromagnetic sensor BPO ME9 ME18
structure factory BPO x 6 ME10 ME18
structure factory BPO ME8 TE14
structure hanger array BPO x 3 ME10 TE18
structure hanger array BPO ME8 TE14
structure laboratory BPO x 3 ME10 TE18
structure laboratory BPO ME8 TE14
structure market network BPO x 29 ME10 TE18
structure market network BPO x 1 ME8 TE14
structure medical center BPO x 5 ME10 TE18
structure medical center BPO ME9 TE18
structure medical center BPO ME8 TE14
structure mission network BPO x 2 ME10 TE18
structure mission network BPO ME9 TE18
structure office center BPO x 6 ME10 TE18
structure office center BPO x 1 ME9 TE18
structure repair facility BPO x 5 ME10 TE18
structure reprocessing plant BPO x 9 ME10 TE18
vehement copy
dual giga beam laster I BPO x 2 ME10 TE16
charon BPO x 1 ME10 TE16
hydrogen fuel block BPO x 1 ME10 TE20
nitrogen fuel block BPO x 1 ME10 TE20
oxygen fuel block BPO x 1 ME10 TE20
dual 1000mm railgun I BPO x 1 ME10 TE18
Ion siege blaster I BPO x 1 ME9 TE16
mining drone I BPO X 2 ME10 TE20
XL cruise missile launcher I BPO x 1 ME10 TE16
XL torpedo launcher I BPO x 1 ME10 TE18
hexa 2500mm repeating cannon I BPO x 1 ME10 TE20
quad 3500mm siege artillery I BPO x 1 ME10 TE16
capital shield booster I BPO x 1 ME10 TE16
capital shield booster I BPO x 1 ME9 TE16
capital shield extender BPO x 4 ME0 TE0
jump portal generator I BPO x 1 ME10 TE18
amarr control tower BPO x 1 ME9 TE18
caldari control tower BPO x 1 ME9 TE16
gallente control tower BPO x 1 ME9 TE16
minmatar control tower BPO x 1 ME9 TE16
astrahus blueprint BPO x 1 ME10 TE18
standup cloning center x 1 ME9 TE18
standup m-set blueprint copy accelerator I BPO x 1 ME10 TE20
standup m-set invention accelerator I BPO x 1 ME10 TE20
standup m-set structure manufacturing material efficiency I BPO x 1 ME10 TE20
standup m-set structure manufacturing time efficiency I BPO x 1 ME10 TE20
standup m-set TE research accelerator I BPO x 1 ME10 TE20
gjallarhorn’ explosive doomsday BPO x 1 ME9 TE14
phalarica’ thermal lance BPO x 1 ME8 TE14
hel blueprint BPO x 1 ME8 TE16

ill take

gjallarhorn’ explosive doomsday BPO x 1 ME9 TE14
phalarica’ thermal lance BPO x 1 ME8 TE14
astrahus blueprint BPO x 1 ME10 TE18

at npc price

ill buy all of them for a squishy corpse.


looking for a better offer, thanks for interest tho





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