Nepotism & Toxicity getting you down? Join CEEK Today!

Is Nepotism & Toxicity getting you down?

We know, we know, EVE is mentally tough on you Capsuleers.

Don’t believe us, just read EVE Reddit.

Good news for you today! You now have a choice!
Look no further than CEEK!

We are a bunch of rebels, swarming BEES and if we have the energy to be awake at the keyboard, we promise to help any friend in need. Just type Help/Halp in Intel.

We offer M&A (merger & acquisition) services for those corporations that need the greatest hug ever.


Speak to one of our many Philanthropy Directors on how we can improve your lifestyle in EVE.

We always have the time to chat with our members and appreciate their contributions!

What we offer:

  • No Drama, Mature Group, IRL first, Economic Prowess, SRP & unconditional support and communication…


  • Humor, Headset/Mic, Mumble, Discord, Inclusive to all, Don’t be a dick and regularly activity…

We are fortunate to have great people in our Corporation with a second to none TEAM culture. It is the contributions of our community, that make us the preferred choice in EVE.

Our leadership team is successful, in and out of EVE, and we treat everyone like we would like to be treated back on Earth.

I’m the CEO, and I approve this message.

If interested, please contact me in game and lets have a chat.


Do you often find yourself getting rackled, stuck in warp bobbels, or tacklet by spioles? Come fly with CEEK and finally get your revange!

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If you are consdiering CEEK as a Home, Are you an INDY player and like to Mine and do Planetary Industry? We mine ICE, manufacture PI and allot of it.

Ask about our Fuel Block business. CEEK FUEL is a Corporate Run Fuel Block Business. We make the most Beelicious Fuel Blocks from Delve to Aridia.

Become a CEEK FUEL Associate Today. Ask to Speak with JAFO.

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August Prizes are being awarded to our corp members -

Earned so far - REV NAVY DREAD, CHIMERA, +12 BOOSTER, … 7 more to go!

September is PLEX giveaway month.



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