New Null Sec Corp & Alliance (Non Renting) - Recruiting now!

We are establishing a new Null Sec Sov Holding corporation and alliance. We are already based in null sec [Not Renters] and will own Sov systems as the alliance grows.

We are looking for all pilots looking for a new adventure - it’s not often you can be part of the journey of a new alliance being formed! We are also not within the blue doughnut so there are plenty of people to shoot!

We offer:

  • Corp and Alliance level SRP
  • Regular PVP fleets (including some free ships)
  • Experienced FC’s (and FC training if you’re interested)
  • Ore Buyback
  • Good ratting and mining anoms

We are looking for active pilots with a range of experience - from newbros through to bitter vets; you are all welcome.


  • Must use alliance Discord and TS3
  • Full API Required
  • Must be willing to get involved and help us grow

Message here or in game for more info.


We are still recruiting :slight_smile:

Do you have many fleets occuring during OCE timezones?


We are still growing and recruiting

Still here


What alliance? Want to do my research…

What TZ you mainly are?

@Ingus_Runcs a mix of EU and USTZ probably a 60/40 split in favour of USTZ


We are growing nicely and looking for more people to come and join us :smiley:

What area are you currently living in? Wanna check some dotlan for due diligence.


Still growing :slight_smile:



US TZ Bump!

We got sh*t to get done and need people to help get it done! Come be part of the team!

Join ‘UNDE Pub’ for more information.

Just recently moved out, pretty fun. First thing I got to do was fleet up to kill a Fort!