Firstly, I would like to thank tools4eve and Madsam Beacon for the service they have provided for the past 2 years. It was a great tool and we are very thankful for your development time on it.
Squizz, from zKillboard, has created a new tool that will be the official tool recommended for this board. That new tool is an example of how the interface looks is here
Tools4eve will still be allowed until the domain goes offline, however we do urge people to swap to sooner rather than later.
I am a buyer. After negotiating the price with the seller, do I want to send the ISK to the characters for sale in the game? Simultaneously send an email to the role indicating that you are waiting to receive the role’s account?
There is a post called bazaar rules which lays out what you should do, it is linked in the OP
But to answer you, yes you send isk to the character being bought and an evemail to that same character of the account name you want the character transferred to.
In the off chance someone tries to scam you, which CCP will not tolerate, sending isk to another character not for sale will make it hard for ccp to get your isk back.
At the very top is the link to log in. But it seems to not be working right. If you are wanting to sell a character, use as well to sell a character