New player looking for a corp


My EVE journey started a few days ago and i’ve been told numerous times to look for a group.
So far i’ve had some nice talks with various groups but i’m simply not really sure what I should be looking for.

So far i’ve done the Exploration, Enforcer and Soldier of Fortune missions and i’m slowly progressing through some of them.

When I said, in Rookie Help chat, that the last Soldier of Fortune mission said they needed great pilots like me in Faction Warfare a kind soul gave me 50 million and told me to shoot at people and not be afraid! And so I did.

Today i’ve ventured into Nulsec and did some exploration but the hacking minigame is more frustrating, and annoying, than it is fun.

What i’m mainly looking for is a group that is very lay-back, helpful to some extend and that would allow me to hop in and out of various different things. It would be nice if I could keep shooting at people and have some form of income to sustain it.
From what i’ve been told it seems like Faction Warfare is the way to go as i’m not interested in any big fights (at least not for now). (I’ve seen some videos of big fights but it all seems super confusing)

I am from Europe and mainly play after 11:00.

Beware of corporations that are overly nice up front.