New safe space where no one would dare to shoot you down

You didn’t blow you sence motiv roll, did you?

That’s not a sentence. What are you tying to say?

I am tying to say that your sarcasm-detector probably went off at "corvette only space".

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Ah yeah I did think it was a crap idea but you can never be sure these days :slight_smile: My bad, obvious was obvious.

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Both you and your ccp were stuck in 2004, the world has changed and because of that Eve can not attract new subscribers necessary to survive.


So you’re saying the current generation of gamers are pussies and need safe spaces or else they won’t play. We already knew that. Yet EVE contines to go on, and on, and on…


CCP posted record profits last year.

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May I offer that you stop trying to shape the world to meet your emotional needs? There being no safe space is the very core to eve’s success and allegiance. As with other MMO’s, the fragile folk will all glom onto that one safe place, and that will become their existence. If you fear loss…confront that within you, but don’t try and change the world simply because you have “negative feelings”. If eve started putting safe zones in the game to placate the fragile folk, I wouldn’t have been playing this game for 15 years. Toughen up and fly safe.


What i personally find interesting is how the OP sneakily puts himself above others. A safe space where no one DARES to shoot you down, as if there was anyone there who should be feared. Then the “A1” nonense. I find that hilarious, because they’re the ones who live in constant fear.

oh, whitehound. i am not going to waste my time on you. : - )

No, thank you.

A part of this game is to learn to deal with thieves and bullies. It’s not just sitting around in a little spaceship and pretending to be a pilot. It’s a multi-player game and meant for people to interact with each other as well as to learn the consequences of their interactions.

@Solstice_Projekt What’s that?

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