Newbro Feedback + Abyss Bug

How do you know ? Do you continuously monitor the line itself, or is it just that nothing else crashed at the time ?

(TL/DR at end)

I had a similar problem at intervals for a long time (years in fact), especially in bad weather. The engineers could never find anything as they only ever arrived on nice days… I created a monitor (a script on my Linux system) which 'ping’ed the IP-address of the ISP’s end of my connection every 15 seconds continuously - it was quite enlightening. Sometimes there would be long periods of no drop-outs at all, but in bad weather the drop-out rate and duration would increase markedly. There were primarily 3 drop-out durations - 15 seconds, 2 minutes and 10 minutes, talking to the engineers I discovered that this was characteristic of my type of connection (fibre to a local cabinet, copper from there to my house), the different times being down to how severe the drop-out was. An engineer finally visited on a bad-weather day, immediately detected a fault in the overhead copper wire about 100 yards from my house, and subsequently found a bad connector with water ingress and corrosion problems at the relevant place on the wire. Since he replaced the connector I’ve had almost no drop-outs at all.

The point of this tale ? I found that :

The 15-second drop-out almost never caused any problems, a slight hesitation in Eve, perhaps a buffer-delay in Youtube or Netflix, or a slow page-load in the Browser.

The 10-minute drop-out always caused Eve to fail, Netflix etc to need re-requesting, and reasonably static browser pages usually gave a ‘missing server’ message so I had to retry.

The 2-minute drop-out was the erratic one, sometimes leaving Eve frozen, the client remaining active but the connection to the server obviously lost. This was inconsistent across multiple clients when multi-boxing - I run up to 3; sometimes they’d all drop, sometimes none, sometimes only 1 or 2 would stall while the others carried on perfectly. Youtube, Netflix and Browser reactions were similarly inconsistent.

TL/DR - Don’t assume that your connection to your ISP is OK just because you don’t see problems with other activities, or because your connection provider and ISP can’t find a fault. I had this problem for several years, getting worse each winter, and finally had to monitor the line myself and insist on a bad-weather engineer visit before what turned-out to be a simple physical problem was finally fixed.

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But he saw the green light was on so it must have been running perfectly. Also if your streaming and downloading stuff or running other apps that take up your bandwidth that can close the socket as well. If your running abyss run it with the fewest things in the backround.

Had another technical issue cost me a ship last night as well, and honestly it’s getting old. It’s sad that you have to fear client stability and server connectivity more than the already dangerous as hell content you’re running. It’s by far the more fun and engaging PvE content in Eve by a VERY large margin, but losing billions due to **** coding is turning people away from it.


Sorry to hear this happened. It really sucks. At this point I doubt anything will be done to improve the user experience but I guess you never know.

Posting about it is the only way CCP will know that the abyss player experience needs to be improved. Warp someone away on a DC within the abyss and then drop them back in when it’s reconnected. Keep the timer going in the interest of preventing abuse. This is one possible solution out of many CCP could implement.

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Not empty.

Just remove instanced PvE if it requires all these special treatments, it should have never been added to EVE anyway.

Just because you do not enjoy it or it’s presence does not mean it should not exist. Plenty of paying customers enjoy it and it’s the most fun PvE content in Eve. Ironically it’s problem stems from mechanics that were put into place to prevent abuse of standard PvE PvP susceptibility…

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It is not about me, the basic idea of a sandbox is no instanced areas. This has been true for 20 years.

Instanced areas mess up the economy of the sandbox.

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Please explain how these are messing up the economy? There is literally 10-13 trillion pure isk a month rolling in from nullsec ratting, but abyss sites are ruining the economy…

2 wrongs don’t make a right.

Also we can hunt those ratters, these are inside special snowflake safety space.

That leaves a trace in space. Scan them down, and gank them when they come out.

No because the took out the suspect flag.

That’s on you then. These abyss runners are still vulnerable, you just can’t gank them while they are in the middle of fighting rats. For that benefit they lose the ability to warp off, station repair, mobile depot change config, and will lose their pods if they lose their ships.

No they are in a private area, saying they are vulnerable for .00000 seconds, and then only if you suicide is not the same thing.

Still vulnerable. It may not be a vulnerability level you like, but they are vulnerable. Instalock ships and a gank squad can kill them and it’s a windfall payday if they do well making over the suicide cost. If you were ganking high sec mission rats you still have to suicide, it just allows for lazier PvPing than is required to catch an abysser.


Fixed it for you.

I think that has to be the most petty response I’ve ever seen on these forums, and there have been a few…

I’m surprised that after spending so much time on these forum’s you still have not realized, just how much of a troll this guy is.

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