@!@! Hey guys newbro here, five days fresh @!@!

yo guys im building a stream on https://www.twitch.tv/chuavision come give me a follow help me grow within EVE Also lots of very helpful people inside my channel that can help any new player trying to get the idea of how the game works. from pvp to pve anything you need to no. Don’t be afraid to join in and say hi. Also guys if you come to my twitch channel there is a discord link with full of friends that would be glad to answer any questions. please join in and have lots of fun with us! o7


I’m a bit confused in knowing if you’re actually a new player. Sounds like you have access to info already and are offering it to other new players which is a good thing. However it also seems this is an advertisement for a twitch stream.

Anyway, I just wanted to say welcome to Eve. May you have good luck and much success.

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