No Vacancies c5>c5 WH pvp recruitment, currently seeking AUTZ players

Bump, back to regular recruiting.

Always looking for more capable pvper’s. We provide the means, you help provide the manpower.

Bump, let the week be done already.

Doing Bobs good work.

Bump, with winter around the corner, still pulling good numbers. Come be a part of that.

Bump. Still recruiting.

Still recruiting.


Back to selective recruiting. If you havent pvp’d before, are an ultra bear or not a team player, look elsewhere.

If you like to blow ■■■■ up with a great corporation, look here…

Still recruiting. Summer slump? What summer slump?


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Bump for friday festies

Still recruiting, bombs and all.

Looking to bolster AU, although prescence is pretty awesome, could be improved. Looking at individuals and small groups.

Still recruiting.

You guys have a training corp to funnel into the main/wormhole corp? I don’t have any xp outside of missions so far.

Sorry bud, its not what we cater to. I can make several suggestions though. We currently recruit with a compensatory approach so if you had great pvp experience, we would account for that.

Wormbro have a great community, thats who i think of first and foremost. There is also a ■■■■ tonne of emerging c2/c5 corps with some great people behind them. You’ll see them in these forums and r/evejobs on reddit.

Best of luck mate

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Thank you for the point in a direction!

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If this is what summer activity is like, im looking forward to summer. Come join us.

Still recruiting.