Nullsec Alliance Cowardice Ladder

I’m not the one who brought it up.

Gnosis are useful, we made very fast locking fits for pulling flashy reds from gank fleets , worked a treat , even made moving gank fleets fit warp core stabs , I laughed that night thinking what jame315 would have said. Gankers acting like afk hauler.

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Yea, the Russians take the cake for toxicity for sure. Had one just the other day send me a horrific copy-pasta (talking about genocide and death camps) after I ganked him. The scary part was how immediate it was. Like he has that sum ■■■■■ loaded on his clip board ready to paste.

No, no, you misunderstand. English is their second language, they are usually trying to say thankyou and how much they love americans; for some reason they assume everyone is amercian.

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